(Paper) Bank Probationary Officers Exam 2008 Model Paper
Paper : Bank Probationary Officers Exam 2008 Model Paper
UBI, SBI, Indian Bank,
Andhra BankDena Bank, Allahabad Bank, PNB
Directions—(Q. 41–45) In each of the following questions, three words are given. Under them four alternatives are provided, one of which expresses most effectively the general characteristic if these three words. That alternative is your answer.
41. Aeroplane, Train, Truck
(A) Speed
(B) Rooms
(C) Wheels
(D) Transport
Ans : (D)
42. Wolf, Leopard, Deer
(A) Meat eater
(B) Jungles
(C) Mammals
(D) Cruel
Ans : (C)
43. Sword, Gun, Pistol
(A) Arms
(B) Constable
(C) Bullet
(D) War
Ans : (A)
44. Fraud, Jealously, Hatred
(A) Destruction
(B) Envy
(C) Human Characteristics
(D) Quality
Ans : (C)
45. Novel, Epic, Drama
(A) Subject
(B) Literature
(C) Poetry
(D) Knowledge
Ans : (B)
Directions—(Q. 46–50) In each of the following questions, three words are given. They are followed by four words, one of which stands for the class to which these three words belong. Identify that word.
46. Wheat, Barley, Rice
(A) Food
(B) Gram
(C) Cereal
(D) Agriculture
Ans : (C)
47. Coal, Iron, Mica
(A) Rock
(B) Minerals
(C) Gold
(D) Earth
Ans : (B)
48. Honesty, Credibility, Reliability
(A) Quality
(B) Dependability
(C) Charter
(D) Nicety
Ans : (A)
49. Cap, Coat, Trousers
(A) Smart
(B) Shirt
(C) Dress
(D) Tailor
Ans : (C)
50. Stool, Table, Chair
(A) Bench
(B) Furniture
(C) Carpet
(D) Office
Ans : (B)
Directions—(Q. 51–60) For each of the following questions, there are two words and five alternative answers. In each of the alternative answers there are two words. Then find out the alternative whose two words have the same relation as in the two words given in question.
51. Resignation : Office ::
(A) Competition : Game
(B) Illness : Hospital
(C) Abdication : Throne
(D) Moisture : Rain
(E) Appointment : Interview
Ans : (C)
52. Bunch : Key ::
(A) Hound : Pack
(B) Team : Competition
(C) Beehive : Bee
(D) Examination : Subject
(E) Bouquet : Flower
Ans : (E)
53. Profit : Loss ::
(A) Success : Failure
(B) Rupee : Paisa
(C) Whole : Part
(D) Multiplication : Addition
(E) Adult : Child
Ans : (A)
54. Sapling : Tree ::
(A) Horse : Mare
(B) Student: Teacher
(C) Bud : Flower
(D) Tree : Furniture
(E) River : Brook
Ans : (C)
55. Supervisor : Worker ::
(A) Junior : Senior
(B) Superior : Inferior
(C) Elder : Younger
(D) Debtor : Creditor
(E) Officer : Clerk
Ans : (E)
56. Malaria : Mosquito ::
(A) Poison : Death
(B) Rat : Plague
(C) Epidemic : Bacteria
(D) Cholera : Water
(E) Medicine : Disease
Ans : (D)
57. Paisa : Rupee ::
(A) Kilogram : Quintal
(B) Metre : Centimetre
(C) Coin : Money
(D) Weight : Ton
(E) Rupee : Wealth
Ans : (A)
58. Poet : Verse ::
(A) Prose : Novelist
(B) Author : Book
(C) Novel : Prose
(D) Publication : Editor
(E) Summary : Paraphrase
Ans : (B)
59. Water : Thirst ::
(A) Food : Hunger
(B) Sun : Energy
(C) Appetite : Meal
(D) Ice-cream : Cold
(E) Poison : Death
Ans : (A)
60. Pulp : Paper ::
(A) Wood : Table
(B) Cloth : Shirt
(C) Yarn : Fabric
(D) Iron : Steel
(E) Wood : Sawdust
Ans : (C)
Directions—(Q. 61–70) For each of the following questions, there are two words and eight alternative answers. Then find out two such alternatives the relation in which is the same as in the two words given in the beginning.
61. Trees and Forest
(A) Ocean (B) Page
(C) Books (D) Study
(E) Library (F) Ship
(G) Boys (H) Classes
Ans : (C, E)
62. Constable and Police
(A) Clerk (B) Hospital
(C) Medicine (D) Mother
(E) Girl (F) Doctor
(G) File (H) House
Ans : (B, F)
63. Brother-in-law and Sister
(A) I (B) Youth
(C) Female-companion (D) Wife
(E) My (F) Beautiful Woman
(G) Damsel (H) Sister-in-law
Ans : (B, G)
64. Cold and Hot
(A) January (B) Monday
(C) Year (D) June
(E) March (F) Thursday
(G) Month (H) August
Ans : (A, D)
65. High and Low
(A) Far (B) Rent
(C) Next (D) Near
(E) Distance (F) Fair
(G) Last (H) Clean
Ans : (A, D)
66. Unsuccess and Laziness
(A) Study (B) Success
(C) Day (D) School
(E) Labour (F) Lazy
(G) Game (H) Honesty
Ans : (E, B)
67. Car and Garage
(A) Horse (B) Grass
(C) Bird (D) Water
(E) Man (F) Stable
(G) Animal (H) Hive
Ans : (A, F)
68. Hand and Fingers
(A) Foot (B) Eyes
(C) Hat (D) Teeth
(E) Head (F) Stomach
(G) Nose (H) Hair
Ans : (E, H)
69. Oxygen and Man
(A) Petrol (B) Stool
(C) Carpenter (D) Sky
(E) Driver (F) Wood
(G) Water (H) Fish
Ans : (G, H)
70. Neat and Clean
(A) Dirty (B) Tidy
(C) Route (D) White
(E) Wise (F) Ravi
(G) Foul (H) Beauty
Ans : (A, G)
Directions—(Q.71–75) In each of the following two columns, the groups of three words are given. Compare two columns and find the pairs given below each question, which satisfy the same relationship between the two groups of that pair.
Column I
(A) Cereal, Wheat, Tomato
(B) Seeds, Apple, Fruit
(C) Mother, Sister, Female
(D) Teacher, Writer, Speaker
(E) Stool, Furniture, Table
Column II
(P) Apple, Banana, Fruit
(Q) Wheat, Barley, Cereals
(R) Doctor, Painter, Father
(S) Cow, Mammal, Animal
(I) Soldier, Army, Civilian
71. (A) BP
(B) AQ
(C) CR
(D) EP
Ans : (D)
72. (A) BR
(B) AT
(C) CS
(D) DP
Ans : (C)
73. (A) DR
(B) BR
(C) ET
(D) CS
Ans : (A)
74. (A) BS
(B) AT
(C) AQ
(D) DQ
Ans : (B)
75. (A) CR
(B) EQ
(C) BQ
(D) DS
Ans : (B)