(Current Affairs) Science & Technology, Defence, Environment | March 2011
Science & Technology, Defence, Environment: March 2011
India applies for CERN associate membership
DNA polymorphism provides insight into human origin”
- Closure of vaccine units not justified: parliamentary panel
- NASA rocket launch fails
- Interceptor missile test-fired successfully
- Dhanush, Prithvi-II fired successfully
- Efficacy of Tsunami Warning System proved'
- Indian nuclear bodies to revisit safety aspects of plants
- Two drugs banned
- Massive uranium deposits found in Andhra Pradesh
- Coastline mapping to check over-exploitation
- In Kalakad forests, a project to bring out amphibian ecology
- TB still cause for concern in South East Asia: WHO
- Acheulian stone tools discovered near Chennai
- The tiger census counts 1,706; finds 12 per cent growth
- PM promises independent nuclear regulator
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