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They began to appear in quantities in the 1860s. “I hate those redbreastsâ€,
cried “Punch†in 1869. In 1877 “The Times†magazine declared them a
great social evil, and it was following difficulties with them in 1879 that the
London Post Office in 1880 cried out “Post Earlyâ€. What are we talking
121. Christmas Cards
122. His first voyage, in 1607, was intended to find a quick way to China by way
of the North Pole, but resulted instead in the establishment of the Spitzbergen
whale fisheries. In 1608, in the service of the Dutch East India Company, he
sailed 150 miles past the site of New York, but returned back. In 1610, he
explored the site that is now known by his name and was frozen in it. Who?
122. Henry Hudson, of Hudson Bay
123. A man by name Friedrich Froebel, walking with two of his disciples over the
Steiger Pass on the way to the village of Blankenburg, scratched his head for
the right name to give the institution, and then suddenly shouted out “Eureka
! I have it ! It shall be called _______________!â€. Fill in the blank.
123. Kindergarten. Froebel, the German educational reformer was the inventor of
the Kindergarden system of education.
124. Back in 1890, Johnson & Johnson put together the first of its kind in
response to a plea from railroad workers who needed treatment on the scene as
they toiled to lay tracks across America. What?
124. First Aid kits
125. To the Hopi Indians, who feared it and filled it with frightening myths, it
was the trail made by the God Ta-Vwoats when he took a mourning chief to find
his wife in the other world; the river associated with it, according to them was
an addition to hold back the unworthy. What?
125. The Grand Canyon and the River Colorado.
126. An author, as a sign of gratitude to the nurse who had cared for his
firstborn child, gave a script and asked her to sell it when she was in need of
money. Years later, when the nurse was really in want of money, she sold it and
lived in comfort for the rest of her life. The manuscript was the first part of
a famous work of this author Name the book and author?
126. Rudyard Kipling and the Jungle Book
127. Though Magellan is regarded as the first person to circumnavigate the
world, technically he was not, and it was a person by name Juan Sebastian del
Cano, who is technically the first circumnavigator. Why?
127. Magellan, while on the expedition, was killed in a squabble with the
natives in the Philippines, and it was Cano who assumed command of the
expedition and sailed the expedition through the rest of its journey
128. In the United States, currently a small stock of this exists at only one
location - at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta,
Georgia. Some additional stocks are available in Great Britain, Russia and
China. Stocks of what?
128. The Small pox virus
129. Masaru Ibuka, after graduating in engineering, failed the entry examination
for lifetime employment at Toshiba, and decided to start his own small business.
He was fortunate to find a partner who had a flair for finance and salesmanship.
Who was this partner?
129. Akio Morita. They together started the company that later became Sony.
130. US banned her entry calling her ‘a communist good’. She was kept in On
her journey to the USA from China she got into trouble when the London for
time’s sake and became a major attraction there. Who?
130. Chi-Chi the Panda, who became the mascot of the WWF
131. The comic character Yogi Bear lives in a national park that takes its name
from the world’s first national park. Name both.
131. Jellystone and Yellowstone
132. The byline of which company, rather ironically went ‘What we do will
touch your lives in some way everyday’?
132. Union Carbide Limited (Bhopal Gas Tragedy)
133. Cubatao, in Brazil has certain epithet because it is the world’s most
polluted place. What epithet?
133. The Valley of Death
134. Which popular brand takes its name from a particular species of deer native
to South Africa?
134. Reebok
135. Which metal was responsible for the fatal brain disease that affected
people eating fish caught from the Minamata Bay off the Japanese island of
135. Mercury
136. What is the claim to fame of a body called the Dasohli Gram Swarajya
136. Pioneered the Chipko movement
137. A certain kind of bird called Storm Petrels are named after St. Peter. Why?
137. Because they can walk on water
138. The largest flower in the world is named after the person who forced Lord
Minto to occupy Java and was at one time the keeper of the London Zoo. We know
him best for a city that he founded. Name him and the flower?
138. Sir Stamford Thomas Raffles and the Rafflesia arnoldi
139. In which book would you find the lines ‘All animals are equal but some
animals are more equal’.
139. George Orwell’s ‘Animal farm’
140. The Indian television series ‘Living on the edge’ was the first in Asia
to win the prestigious Panda Award. By what popular name is this award known?
140. The Green Oscar
141. Which animal is mentioned as the teacher of Yudhishthira in the
141. The Mongoose
142. Which comic character cannot stand trees being cut down?
142. Dogmatix of Asterix
143. Which Banking and Finance corporate major recently tied up with the WWF to
issue special WWF branded credit cards wherein the company would donate a
certain amount of money on the customer’s behalf to WWF everytime he used the
143. Citibank
144. A few years ago a certain insect called the Mexican Beetle was imported
into Bangalore in large numbers. Why?
144. To eradicate the weed Parthenium
145. India’s premier environmental magazine is edited by activist Bittu
Sahgal. Name it.
145. Sanctuary
146. Who said ‘A nation’s wealth, its real wealth can be gauged by its tree
cover ‘?
146. Richard St. Barbe Baker, ‘The Man of Trees’
147. Who is the patron saint of ecology?
147. St. Francis
148. Of which media powerhouse is the Discovery Channel a division?
148. Disney
149. Who authored a bestseller ‘Overload’ which is concerned with a fight
between environmentalists and an engineer over the building of a thermal power
149. Arthur Hailey
150. This American industrialist donated about 1/5th of his property to WWF in
return for which the WWF gives an annual Wildlife Conservation Prize to
individuals and organisations for distinguished service to the cause of
conservation, in his name. Who?
150. J. Paul Getty
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