(Announcement) UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination Results 2013
UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination Results 2013
The Union Public Service Commission has come out with the results for the Civil Services Mains Examination 2013. Out of the total of around ~15000 candidates, the total number of selections for the Personality Test are around 3003. The tentative date for the commencement of the personality test is April 07, 2014.
For Those Who have Qualified
Kudos to you, if you have succeeded in cracking the Mains examination. There is only one more stage, before you join the prestigious civil services of India. UPSC would be notifying you about the interview schedule. However, in case you do not hear from the UPSC, please contact the UPSC immediately.
It is the right time that you should start going deep into your DAF form, and ensure that no part of your DAF form is a stranger to you. The upcoming stage of the examination would not be a test of your intellect, which has already been proven by you in the Mains. The Personality test is supposed to be a test of your personality and suitability for the civil services.
Thus, it is advisable to work on your interpersonal skills now. Interact with different people; learn about your native place and different information about it; get an idea about the world happenings; and make sure that you practice with your communication skills.
UPSCPORTAL would be happy to assist the future civil servants, in any possible way. Thus, Please feel free for any support and guidance for the Interview stage.
For Those Who could not Make it Through
Do not feel demotivated. Instead, focus on your shortcomings and start your preparations afresh. Remember, your hardwork and efforts never go in vain. Keep preparing until you succeed. Now when the UPSC results are out, you must make fresh plans, for 2014. UPSC has also given the aspirants the gift of 2 additional attempts. So, utilize it to the fullest.
You might as well analyze your performance and weaknesses, when the UPSC releases the marks of different candidates. Focus on the gray areas, and reinforce what your know. The key to success, in IAS examination, in only hard-work, and a pinch of luck.
Also, keep your back-up ready, in case you have run out of attempts or age eligibility. There is nothing that could restrain you from getting success, if you work hard, with devotion and commitment to your goal. Thus, never feel demotivated, and keep moving forward.
What Next!!
UPSCPORTAL would soon be coming out with the detailed analysis of the Mains result. We wish the candidates All the Best for their further preparations. Please feel free to contact us regarding any support and assistance.
Click Here for IAS Mains 2013 Result