Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains General Studies (14 December 2015)

Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains General Studies (14 December 2015)

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General Studies - I "Syllabus Topic – History of Post-Independence India"

1. The Paris Agreement on climate change marks a milestone in preserving the earth’s environment and provides a floor on which to build ambition and action. Explain.


General Studies - II "Syllabus Topic – International Relations”

2. The Argentine and Venezuelan stories tell that the Left parties in these countries are paying a political price for the troubles in the economy. Discuss


General Studies - III "Syllabus Topic – Disaster Management"

3. There is no other organisation, at the Centre and State levels, that has the kind of logistics capabilities, trained manpower and willingness to wade into a disaster zone. Comment.


General Studies - IV "Syllabus Topic – Ethics and Human Interface"

4. Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation. (Margaret Chase Smith). Critically Examine.


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