Daily Answer Writing Challenge for UPSC Mains
Daily Answer Writing Challenge for IAS Mains
In this series every day few questions will be posted, in order to make aspirants comfortable with the questions which might come in UPSC mains examination. They are framed strictly keeping in mind the changes bought in upsc exam pattern. You have to write your answers in the comment box at the bottom of the Post or mail the scanned copy to us. Our experts will provide the honest evaluation and give the remarks on how to improve your answers.
Points to be remember
- Read the questions carefully and answer according to what is asked in the question in the comments section only.
- Consider that you are writing for UPSC exam and adhere to word limit as well as time.
- If you want to add any point later you can put it in the comment box later.
- Don't hesitate to write, its better to make mistake now then at the exam.
- Remember whatever remarks we will give are only to make your answer better not to demotivate you from writing.
- Every day, questions will go online in the Evening.
Write Your Answer ONLY in Comment Box Provided at Bottom of every Question.