It’s time to act, not do more research
(The Hindu)
Mains Paper 2: Health and Education
Prelims level : Education Quality Upgradation and Inclusion Programme
Mains level : The goals of EQUIP and the NEP
• In its first 100 days, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s second government has
begun yet another rethink of higher education policies through the draft NEP
(National Education Policy) and EQUIP (Education Quality Upgradation and
Inclusion Programme).
• This is the latest, and seemingly among the most elaborate, in an endless
series of official reports and programmes aimed at improving higher education in
independent India.
• The Radhakrishnan Commission of 1949, the National Education Policies of
1968 and 1986, the Yashpal Committee of 2009, the National Knowledge Commission
in 2007, and the draft NEP of 2019 have all basically said the same thing.
• While it is always valuable for various government committees to point to
the importance of higher education for economy and society.
• It is not necessary to convene many experts through initiatives such as
EQUIP to tell the government and the academic community what they already know.
• Perhaps the time, energy and resources that EQUIP will require can be
better spent implementing the obvious.
• Everyone agrees that higher education needs significant improvement,
especially as India seeks to join the ranks of the world’s premier economies.
Inadequate allocation of funds
• However, central to both quality improvement and increased access is money.
• Higher education in India has been chronically underfunded it spends less
than most other BRICS countries on higher education.
• The last Budget allocated only ₹37,461 crore for the higher education
sector. Other related ministries and departments such as Space, Scientific and
Industrial Research, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Science and
Technology, Health Research and Agricultural Research have been allocated only
modest support. Inadequate funding is evident at all levels.
• All State governments, which provide the bulk of higher education money,
also fail to adequately support students and institutions.
The goals of EQUIP and the NEP
• A key goal of EQUIP and the NEP is that India must expand the percentage of
young people enrolled in post-secondary education significantly.
• It is interesting to note that while the draft NEP aims at increasing the
gross enrolment ratio to at least 50% by 2035, EQUIP targets doubling the gross
enrolment ratio to 52% by 2024.
• At present, India’s gross enrolment ratio is 25.8%, significantly behind
China’s 51% or much of Europe and North America, where 80% or more young people
enrol in higher education.
• India’s challenge is even greater because half of the population is under
25 years of age.
• The challenge is not only to enrol students, but to ensure that they can
graduate. Non-completion is a serious problem in the sector.
• The challenge is not only to enrol students and improve graduation rates
but also to ensure that they are provided with a reasonable standard of quality.
• It is universally recognised that much of Indian higher education is of
relatively poor quality. Employers often complain that they cannot hire
graduates without additional training.
• The fact that many engineering colleges even today have to offer “finishing
programmes” to their graduates underlines the pathetic state of quality imparted
by these institutions.
Differentiated academic system requirement
• India needs a differentiated academic system — institutions with different
missions to serve a range of individual and societal needs. Some “world class”
research-intensive universities are needed.
• Colleges and universities that focus on quality teaching and serve large
numbers of students are crucial.
• Distance education enters the mix as well.
• The draft NEP’s recommendations for a differentiated system of research
universities, teaching universities, and colleges are in tune with this.
• However, the ways suggested to achieve these objectives are impractical.
Role of private education sector
• The private sector is a key part of the equation.
• India has the largest number of students in private higher education in the
world. But much of private higher education is of poor quality and commercially
• Robust quality assurance is needed for all of post-secondary education, but
especially for private institutions.
• The structure and governance of the higher education system needs major
• There is too much bureaucracy at all levels, and in some places, political
and other pressures are immense.
• Professors have little authority and the hand of government and managements
is too heavy. At the same time, accountability for performance is generally
Key recommendations that India needs:
• Dramatically increased funding from diverse sources, and the NEP’s
recommendation for a new National Research Foundation is a welcome step in this
• The significantly increased access to post-secondary education, but with
careful attention to both quality and affordability, and with better rates of
degree completion;
• The longitudinal studies on student outcomes;
• To develop “world class” research-intensive universities, so that it can
compete for the best brains, produce top research, and be fully engaged in the
global knowledge economy;
• To ensure that the private higher education sector works for the public
• To develop a differentiated and integrated higher education system, with
institutions serving manifold societal and academic needs;
• To reforms in the governance of college and universities to permit autonomy
and innovation at the institutional level; and
• To better coordination between the University Grants Commission and
ministries and departments involved in higher education, skill development, and
• The latest draft NEP and EQUIP have reiterated the importance of some of
these points. There is really no need to spend money and attention on a new
• The needs are clear and have been articulated by earlier commissions and
committees. The solutions are largely obvious as well.
• What is needed is not more research, but rather long-neglected action.