(Download) CAPF (AC) Exam, 2021 Paper "General Studies, Essay and Comprehension"

(Download) CAPF (AC) Exam, 2021 Paper "General Studies, Essay and Comprehension"

Exam Name: CAPF (AC)

Year: 2021

Subject:  General Studies, Essay and Comprehension

1.Write essays on any four of the following in about 300 words each:

(a) Chinese economic policy in countries bordering India

(b) Work From Home : A boon or a bane?

(c) Party politics in India is a flourishing family business.

(d) Unemployment and the New Education Policy

(e) Urbanization is hazardous to human health.

(f) Infiltrators are a threat to India’s Security.

2. Write arguments for and against each of the following statements:

(a) Elections in States should be held simultaneously.

(b) Farmer protests are politically motivated.

3. Write reports on the Following in about 200 words each:

(a) Oxygen cylinders crisis in Delhi

(b) Poll violence in West Bengal

Q4. Attempt a précis of the given passage in one-third of its length. Do not suggest a title. Write as far as possible, in your own words. The précis must be written only in the précis-format given below:

For anyone living in Delhi, March is surely the season of the gods. The fresh wintry breeze, the trees in new leaf, the flowers making a “riot of colour”- all this evokes grateful surprise in a populace used to dust storms on the one hand and polluted winter evenings on the other. It is also a time for birds; since many trees are not in leaf, the flitting and darting and pirouetting of small shapes seems to be all around us. As I sit here I can see Rose-ringed Parakeets Flying into the neem trees, their long tails gleaming blue in the sun. The peepul tree by the veranda, whose leaves are still tightly curled, harbours a family of Crimson-breasted Barbets. On the hibiscus bush outside my window a Tailor Bird is looking for nesting material, perhaps, along with an Ashy Wren Warbler. And on top of the hedge a Magpie Robin, glossily black and white and as self-assured as Clinton himself, is singing his heart out, because it is the courtship season too. 

Further away, a tall pale tree is preparing to shed its leaves and cover itself with a washed lilac colour which could belong inside a Japanese painting. Because we have this blessing too- that when the freshness of March gives way to the sadder suns of summer, the flowering trees leap into banning them. The red silk cottons are already aflame, and alive with sunbirds, flower-peckers, bulbuls and mynahs. Then it will be the stunning yellow of the laburnums, and after that the frothy whites and pinks of bauhinias. Around our house some unnamed horticultural official, on whom be peace, has ensured that during the most despairing weeks of summer we are treated to a vision of purple jacaranda in full bloom. And, of course, for the rest of the summer life is worth living only because of the gulmohurs.

For the last two or three years, the advent of March has seemed to me peculiarly unexpected. The gentle message which it brings, i.e., that you never have a single season but a cycle, that every wheel comes full circle and today is not all, now appears both more reassuring and harder to believe. And that, I suspect, is because we live in a world where, increasingly, today is in fact all. The print media and the television, those two dictators of our lives, scream about Today in a way which drowns out both yesterday and tomorrow. Thus, in our personal lives, in our social life and in the national life, we grab for Today with a vehemence which is out of all proportion to its importance. And, as recent events have shown, we sometimes somersault right back into yesterday. Whoever planted the jacaranda was thinking about tomorrow, and contemplating it now may teach us more than us more than we imagine.

Q5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

One of the things that has long intrigued me about this country is its curious grudging relationship to money. I was reminded of this when, a few days ago, taking out a new 500-rupee note to pay a bill at a nursing home, I was made to notice a razor-thin tear in the paper, and given it back. “I just got this from an ATM” I said. The receptionist, noticing my look of exasperation, shared his own experience with me, “These days even banks aren’t reliable,…..” and continued with words I could not hear properly.

I gave a flawless one this time and suppressed the question I would often ask: Why will a note with blemishes not do? People’s responses are varied: some grin, others, pretend not to hear. I wondered whether I should go to a bank and exchange the note! Instead, I had a cappuccino at one of the coffee shops where the note changed hands without comment or scrutiny. Maybe the young man had not seen the tear, or, maybe he had noticed but both he and the coffee he served represented a new order to which the physical state of the bank note was irrelevant. The only other party that will accept a damaged note is the parking lot attendant. He will accept any kind of note, new or aged or tattered. He represents the oddly accommodating nature of the old order.

The idea that the physical codition of the bank note is unimportant came to me during my years in England – as ragged five- or ten-pound notes, even rescued by a band of cellotape, changed hands without a word. In India the symbolic worth of the note is heightened by its crisp look. And as the torn note threatens to fall apart, so does the value it represents. This leads me to the other related mystery – the curiously perennial shortage of change. Give a 500-rupee note to a shopkeeper and he will look at you with an accusatory silence. And who can forged the auto driver who having been handed a large note, first rummages tiredly in one pocked, then in another and then takes out a carefully folded note.

A friend once gave me an insight into why the situation, as we know it, exists. Having arrived in the morning we had to pay the fare to the auto driver but not a single auto driver could give us change for a hundred rupees. “How cannot one of them have the money?” I asked. These people do not bring the las day’s earning when they return to work. They begin each day afresh.

(a)    Which incident made the speaker think in terms of people’s relationship to money?

(b)    What did the speaker do with the torn not of 500 rupees?

(c)    How are the young man at the coffee shop and the parking lot attendant different in their approaches towards a damaged note?

(d)    According to the speaker, what is the difference between the English and the Indian way of looking at a bank note?

(e)    Relate the experience of the speaker with the auto drivers vis-à-vis money.

Q6. (a) Rewrite the sentences as dircted:

(i)    The flowers Rana gave to Meena have withered. (change to passive voice)

(ii)    The cushions do not match the couch. The curtains also do not match the couch. (Combine the sentences using ‘neihter....nor’)

(iii)    Anil plays football in the evenings. He goes for swimming in the mornings. (Combine the sentences using ‘not only....but also’)

(iv)    Can your mother not go in the other car? (Change to affirmative)

(v)    You never think of                               . (Fill in the blanks using a reeflexive pronoun)

(vi)                             She was talking on the phone, her purse fell from her hand. (Fill in the blank using the appropriate word – Beause/While)

(vii)    The godown in infested                      mice. (Fill in the blanks using a preposition) 

(viii)    A great poet and essayist                           in this house. (Fill in the blank using the correct form of ‘live’)

(ix)    You are requested not to pluck the flowers. (Change to active voice)

(x)    Laavanya said to Pallavi, “Did Priyaka have lunch with Shilpy ?” (Change to indirect speech)

(b) Write one sentece each using the followig words/phrases to bring out ther meaning clearly. Do not change the form of the given words/phrases :

(i) back off

(ii) carried away

(iii) log out

(iv) drop in

(v) hold on

(c) Correct the following sentences without making any unnecessary changes :

(i) Help me to open the bottle.

(ii) Ten kilometres are a long distance.

(iii) I, you and my brother will go to the movie tomorrow.

(iv) Hardly did he open the door when the lights went off.

(v) The sister and the brother congratulated one another on their success.

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