(Notification) UPSC: CISF AC (Exe) LDCE Examination, 2018
(Notification) UPSC: CISF AC (Exe) LDCE Examination, 2018
No.45013/9/2009-Pers.I - The Rules for a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination to be held by the Union Public Service Commission in 2018 for the purpose of filling vacancies of Assistant Commandants (Executive) in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) for the vacancy year 2018 are published for general information:
1. The number of vacancies to be filled on the results of the examination will be specified in the Notice issued by the Commission. Reservation will be made for candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes in respect of vacancies as may be fixed by the Government.
2. The examination will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission in the manner prescribed in Appendix I to these rules. The dates on which and the places at which the examination will be held, shall be fixed by the Commission.
3. The candidates should have completed 04 years of regular service as on 01st January, 2018 in the rank of Sub. Inspector (GD) / Inspector (GD) including the period of basic training and should have clean record of service till issue of offer of appointment.
4. A candidates must not have attained the age of 35 years on the 01st August, 2018 i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 02nd August 1983. However, the upper age limit prescribed above shall be relaxable up to a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Schedule Caste or a Schedule Tribe.
Eligibility Conditions :
(I) Nationality : No person who is not a citizen of India shall, except with the consent of the Central Government signified in writing be appointed or employed under these Rules.
Provided that nothing contained in these rules shall debar the appointment, enrolment or employment of a subject of Nepal or Bhutan under these Rules.
(II) Sex : Both Male and Female candidates are eligible for appointment to the post of Assistant Commandants.
(III) Age Limits :A candidates must not have attained the age of 35 years on the 01st August, 2018 i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 02nd August 1983. However, the upper age limit prescribed above shall be relaxable up to a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Schedule Caste or a Schedule Tribe.
Fee :
Candidates (excepting Female/SC/ST candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using net banking facility of SBI, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/State Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/State Bank of Patiala/State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.
Selection Procedure:
The Selection Procedure/Scheme of the Examination will be as follows:
(i) Written Examination: The written examination to be conducted by Union Public Service Commission will be held on 26TH June, 2016 and will comprise two papers. Paper I will be held from 10 a.m. to 12.00 Noon and Paper II will be held from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Paper I : General Ability and Intelligence - 250 Marks
The questions in this paper will be of Objective (Multiple Answers) Type in which the questions will be set in English as well as Hindi.
Paper II : General Studies, Essay and Comprehension - 200 Marks
In this paper candidates will be allowed the option of writing the Essay Component in English or Hindi, but the medium of Precis Writing, Comprehension Components and other communications/ language skills will be English only
(ii) Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests : Candidates who are declared qualified in the written examination will be summoned for Physical Standards/ Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests. Those candidates who meet the prescribed Physical Standards, specified in Appendix-VI, will be put through the Physical Efficiency Tests as indicated below :
Physical Efficiency Tests (PET)
Males | Females | |
(a) 100 Meters race | In 16 seconds | In 18 seconds |
(b) 800 Meters race | In 3 minutes 45 seconds | In 4 minutes 45 seconds |
(c) Long Jump | 3.5 Meters (3 chances) | 3.0 meters (3 chances) |
(d) Shot Put (7.26 Kgs.) | 4.5 Meters | — |
(iii) Interview/Personality Test : CThe Interview/Personality Test would be conducted by a Board of competent and unbiased persons who will have before them a record of the candidates. The candidate will be asked questions both in his/her own field as well as matters of general interest to test his/her awareness and understanding. In broad terms, this will be an assessment of not only his/her mental calibre but also his/her social traits and integrity of character. The Board would broadly assess the candidate inter-alia in the following:
(iv) Final Selection / Merit : The merit list will be drawn on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the Written Examination and Interview/Personality Test.
Syllabus of the Written Papers:-
(I) Scheme of Written Examination:
The written examination to be conducted by Union Public Service Commission will comprise two papers as follows:
Paper-1 General ability and Intelligence and Professional Skill, (300 marks) (150 questions) (2 ½ hours)
This paper will be of Objective Type (Multiple Choice Questions) in which the questions will be set in English as well as Hindi. The paper will comprise two parts as follows:-
Part-A : General Ability and Intelligence - 150 Marks
(75 Questions)
Part-B : Professional Skill - 150 Marks
(75 Questions)
Paper II : Essay, Precis Writing and Comprehension - 100 Marks (2 hours)
In this paper candidates will be allowed the option of writing the Essay Component in English or Hindi, but the medium of Précis Writing and Comprehension Components will be English only.
NOTE-1 : Candidates should ensure that in Paper II they write the Answers only in the Medium allowed by the Commission for the different components as mentioned above. No credit will be given for answers written in a medium other than the one allowed in the Paper.
NOTE-2 : Candidates will be required to indicate the medium of writing the Essay Component in the Attendance List and on the Answer Book. No credit will be given for the Essay Component if the candidate indicates a medium on the Attendance List and on the Answer Book other than the one in which he/she has written the Essay.
NOTE-3: There will be minimum qualifying marks separately in each Paper as may be fixed by the Commission.
NOTE-4: The Commission will declare a list of candidates qualified in the written Exam. The CISF will conduct Physical Efficiency Test first and thereafter the Medical Efficiency Test of only those candidates will be conducted who are declared qualified in the Physical Efficiency Test.
NOTE-5: The candidates who qualify in the Medical Examination and Physical Efficiency Test shall be required to appear for Personality Test/Interview to be conducted by the Commission.
On completion of above process, a final merit list of candidates shall be prepared and be sent to the CISF authority for taking further course of action.
(II) Syllabi of the Written Papers:-
Paper I : General Ability and Intelligence and Professional Skill
PART-A : General Ability and Intelligence: The objective type questions with multiple choices in this paper will broadly cover the following areas:
1. General Mental Ability
The questions will be designed to test the logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude including numerical ability and data interpretation.
2. General Science
The questions will be set to test general awareness, scientific temper, comprehension and appreciation of scientific phenomena of everyday observation including new areas of importance like Information Technology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science.
3. Current Events of National and International Importance: The questions will test the candidates’ awareness of current events of national and international importance in the broad areas of culture, music, arts, literature, sports,governance, societal and developmental issues, industry, business, globalisation and interplay among nations.
4. General Awareness:
The questions shall aim to test candidates’ general awareness and would inter-alia include question to test basic knowledge of history of India, Indian and World Geography as well as Indian Polity and Economy.
PART-B : Professional Skill
This test will be designed to test professional skills of the candidates in relation to operational and administrative requirement of the Central Industrial Security Force and will broadly cover the following areas:
1. CISF related professional skills
- Industrial Security;
- Industrial Safety and fire fighting;
- Disaster Management;
- Aviation Security
- Crime and Intelligence-Espionage, Sabotage, Subversion;
- Perimeter Security
- Security of vital installations-DAE, Metro Rail, Space;
- Use of Technical Gadgets-Alarm, detection, intrusion, Access control, fire safety;
- Bomb disposal;
- VIP Security
- Internal Security and Election duties.
2. Law
- Cr.PC (Search, Seizure and unlawful assembly)
- IPC (Theft, mischief, breach of trust, corruption etc.)
- Evidence Act (Search, seizure & collection of evidence)
- Labour Laws (Industrial Disputes Act, Workmen Compensation Act, EPF Act.)
- Other Criminal Offences.
- Human Rights.
3. Computer Skills and Awarness
- Computer Security
- Basic computer operations
- Basic hardware and software
4. Service Rules and HR matters
- CCA Rules
- CISF Act and Rules
- HR functions related to CISF
Paper II : Essay, Précis Writing and Comprehension
This paper shall test candidates’ ability to bring to fore his/her ideas on the given essay topic, arrange them in a coherent, orderly, concise, understandable and lucid manner in effective and grammatically correct language free from spelling errors.
Further, this shall test candidates’ ability to understand the given passages for précis-writing and comprehension and their skills to summarise the précis passage and reply to the short-answered questions on the comprehension passage.
How to Apply :
(a) Candidates are required to apply Online using the link www.upsconline.nic.in Detailed instructions for filling up Online Applications are available on the above mentioned website.
(b) The applicants are advised to submit only single application. However, if due to any unavoidable situation, he/she submits another/multiple applications, then he/she must ensure that application with the higher RID is complete in all respects like applicants details, examination centre, photograph, signature, fee etc. The applicants who are submitting multiple applications should note that only the application with higher RID (Registration ID) shall be entertained by the Commission and fee paid against one RID shall not be adjusted against any other RID.
(c) All candidates, whether already in Government Service, Government owned industrial undertakings or other similar organisations or in private employment should submit their applications direct to the Commission. Persons already in Government service, whether in permanent or temporary capacity or as workcharged employees other than casual or daily rated employees or those serving under the Public Enterprises are however, required to inform in writing their Head of Office/Department that they have applied for the Examination. Candidates should note that in case a communication is received from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to the candidates applying for/appearing at the examination, their application will be liable to be rejected/ candidature will be liable to be cancelled.
Important Date :
The Online Applications can be filled upto 29th Dec, 2017 till 06.00 pm, after which the link will be disabled
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केन्द्रीय सशस्त्र पुलिस बल (सहायक कमांडेंट) के लिये स्टडी किट
Study Kit for Central Armed Police Forces
Courtesy: UPSC