(Paper) Indian Forest Service Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences Previous Year Paper (2003)

Paper : IFS - Indian Forest Service Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences Previous Year Paper (2003)

1. Write short notes on any four of the following in not more than 150 words:
(a) Feed additives and feed supplements. (10)
(b) Vitamin A and Vision (10)
(c) TDN and starch equivalent. Write their relative efficiency. (10)
(d) What are hay silage and how are they made? (10)
(e) Hormonal control of mammary gland of cow. (10)

2. Classify minerals required by animals. Discuss the factors affecting absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Write the deficiency symptoms of calcium and phosphorus in dairy animals. Discuss the role of Vitamin D in calcium and phosphorus assimilation. (40)

3. (a) Give a critical review of various feeding standards along with their merits and limitations. (20)
(b) Discuss various methods of measuring feed energy. (20)

4. Discuss the following:
(a) Structure of female genetalia of a buffalo and weite the function of each organ.  (10)
(b) Metabolic discorders due to imbalance feeding. (10
(c) Give composition of two prominent semen extenders commonly used. (10)
(d) Milk replacer and calf starter. Give on composition of each. (10)

5. Write short notes on any four of the following in not more than 150 words:
(a) Composition of chicken egg along with its labelled diagram. (10)
(b) Current trends in enhancing egg production and poultry meat. (10)
(c) Classify rumen protozoa and give their role in rumenant nutrition. (10)
(d) What are different common reproductive disorders in Indian cattle and how are they related fertility in females? (10)
(e) Breeding efficiency. (10)

6. Classify Indian breeds of goats with examples. Why goat is called poor man’s cow? Name any four exotic breed of goat used for crossbreeding in India. (40)

7. (i)
What are the problems associated with dairy farming in India? Discuss them vis-a-vis advanced countries. (20)
(ii) How can feed and fodder be judiciously used to achieve optimum production performance under Indian condidition? (20)

8. Describe the relative digestive physiology of protein, fibre and fat in buffaloes. (40)

1. Write short notes on any four of the following in not more than 150 words: (10 x 4 = 40)
(a) Amyloidosis
(b) Adipose tissue
(c) Pregnancy toxaemia in Ewes
(d) Colibacillosis in Poultry
(e) Chemical characteristics and nutritive value of Poultry meat

2. Describe the rules for postmortem examination of a veterolegal case and collection and submission of material in cases suspected for poisoning of different types. (40)

3. Discuss the general properties, antimicrobial activity, pharmacokinetics, indications, dose and side effects of Quinoleones. (40)

4. (a)
Describe the scientific basis of cheese making.
(b) Discuss the grading and Testing of raw milk. (20 x 4 = 40)

5. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each: (10x4=40)
(a) Q fever
(b) Basic technique related to Electron Microscopy
(c) Biochemical tests for Urinary dysfunction
(d) Downer Cow Syndrome
(e) Milk pasteurization, objectives, formulations of Standards

6. (a) Outline the indications, anaesthesia, surgical technique and post- operative treatment for Rumenotomy in bovinces. (b) Discuss the strategies for control of Food and Mouth disease in India. (20 x 4 = 40)

7. Discuss pathoepidemiology diagnosis, treatment and control of Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis (CAE). (40)

8. Discuss the methods of preservation of meat with special reference to curing, cauring and irradiation. (40)


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