Online Course: Personal Guidance Programme for History Mains

Online Course: Personal Guidance Programme for History Mains

Dear Aspirants,
History is the safest Optional as far as appearing in UPSC mains examination is concerned. Every year, the highest number of aspirants take History as their first optional in this most coveted examination. History is one of the most popular option in U.P.S.C. examination for obvious reasons. It covered very high chunk of marks in General studies also. 30-40 marks questions of history and culture get covered in optional history. It is also useful in writing essay. Since at least one socio-cultural issue comes as a topic, historic vision gives depth to the arguments. In the mains examination History is directly compared with other subjects. History is highly subjective subject.

Because it is your first optional paper, so it is really crucial you fare well enough to secure that the final selection of yours is guaranteed. Fetching 350 + in this paper is not really hard & rocket science, but it requires some dedication and interest towards knowing its pattern. Where each number is important to give the shape of your future, how can you afford to ignore this paper? I have seen some aspirants doing exceedingly well in all the papers but have failed to get good marks in their forte and thus ruined their career.

So, we at upscportal have decided to launch Personal Guidance Programme for History Mains (PGPH) For this year’s (2012) Civil Services Mains.


1. Sources:

2. Indus Valley Civilization

3. Aryans and Vedic Period

4. Period of Mahajanapadas

5. Mauryan Empire:

6. Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas:

7. Regional States during Gupta Era:

8. Themes in Early Indian Cultural History

9. Early Medieval India, 750-1200

10. Cultural Traditions in India, 750-1200


1. The Thirteenth Century:

2. The Fourteenth Century:

3. Society, Culture and Economy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries:

4. The Fifteenth and early Sixteenth Century – Society and Culture:

5. Akbar:

6. Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century:

7. Mughal Economy

8. Culture in the Mughal Empire:

9. The Eighteenth Century:


1. European Penetration into India:

  • The Battle of Plassey; Significance of Plassey.

2. British Expansion in India:

  • Bengal – Mir Jafar and Mir Kasim;

3. Early Structure of the British Raj:

  • The early administrative structure; From diarchy to direct control;

4. Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule:

  • The Permanent Settlement;

5. Social and Cultural Developments:

  • Orientalist-Anglicist controversy,

6. Social and Religious Reform movements in Bengal and Other Areas:

  • Ram Mohan Roy,

7. Indian Response to British Rule:

  • Peasant movements and tribal uprisings in the 18th and 19th centuries including the Rangpur Dhing (1783),

8. The Foundation of the Indian National Congress;

  • The Safety-valve thesis relating to the birth of the Congress;

9.Character of Gandhian nationalism;

  • Gandhi’s popular appeal;

10. Constitutional Developments in the Colonial India between 1858 and 1935

11. Nehru’s Foreign Policy;

  • India and her neighbours (1947-1964);

12. Economic development and political change;

  • Land reforms;

Booklet - 4

1. Enlightenment and Modern ideas:

  • Major ideas of Enlightenment: Kant, Rousseau

2. Origins of Modern Politics:

  • European States System.

3. Industrialization:

  • English Industrial Revolution: Causes and Impact on Society

4. Revolution and Counter-Revolution:

  • 19th Century European revolutions

5. World Wars:

  • 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars: Societal implications

6. The World after World War II:

  • Emergence of two power blocs

7. Liberation from Colonial Rule:

  • Latin America-Bolivar

8. Decolonization and Underdevelopment:

  • Factors constraining development: Latin America, Africa

9. Unification of Europe:

  • Post War Foundations: NATO and European Community

10. Disintegration of Soviet Union and the Rise of the Unipolar World:

  • Factors leading to the collapse of Soviet communism and the Soviet Union, 1985-1991