Current Public Administration Magazine (MARCH 2021)
Sample Material of Current Public Administration Magazine
1. Accountability and Responsibility
Homes, classrooms should be realms of gender-sensitive conditioning
As women, we may have a fascination for pink and orange over blue. After years of working in the social development sector, we reflected upon how and why we developed a liking for these colours and not so much for the other. We asked young men around, and heard back, ―because that is how it is — boys prefer blue and girls prefer pink‖. That was not convincing enough.
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2. Indian Government and Politics
Education for civic reconstruction
Avijit Pathak, Professor of Sociology at JNU, in a recent article (‗Where the student is without fear‘, IE,February 27) laments the suppression of the spirit of critical thinking, questioning and disagreeing, in our classrooms at all levels, especially in institutions of higher learning.
Conformity, caution, and above all, fear, hang heavy like dark clouds over these centres of learning, which should ideally train young minds to think, understand, and actively work towards building a better society. This is the vision that inspired many great thinkers like Rabindranath Tagore and J C Bose, the poet and the scientist, to create institutions of higher learning where nationalism and nation-building rested on the foundations of creative ideas and experiments, in the service of all humanity, where the mind was without fear. The raison d‘être of education is to enrich and inspire young minds towards higher goals, encompassing all knowledge, whether traditional or modern, or beyond regional and national boundaries.
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3. Social Administration
Development with Beloning
Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and the general global slowdown, unemployment has become a major concern worldwide. The state of Haryana, too, has been unable to escape the wrath of this economic crisis. However, as the world‘s economies struggle to bounce back, Haryana has been taking steady strides towards change and development.
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4. Current Topic
The chilling effect of new IT rules
Online video streaming platforms have marked a new dawn for the Indian entertainment industry, providing choices beyond soap operas and formulaic storylines characteristic of traditional mediums like cinema and television that were designed for more public and family-oriented forms of consumption. However, the spectre of government regulation and criminalisation haunts this fledgling industry which has been fighting off attacks to its creative freedom on multiple fronts. While most recent conversation has focused on the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021 notified by the central government on February 25, busybodies have been trying to censor online video streaming platforms by petitioning the courts for a long time
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5. Financial Administration
The police is deservedly proud of its work during Covid
When the lockdown was announced in March last year to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, the police were required to implement the directions of the government. While we are mentally trained to deal with any emergency, the pandemic was a different ball game for the police, primarily a law enforcement agency. It had to enforce lockdown restrictions, social distancing norms, the wearing of masks, and provide succour to those in need.
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