Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 26 September 2017
Current Affairs MCQ for UPSC Exams – 26 September 2017
Ques) Which of the following statements regarding Oxytocin correct
A) It is secreted by Pituitary gland
B) used by dairy farmers to augment milk production in cows
1) A only
2) B only
3) Both A and B
4) Neither A nor B
Ques) which of the following statements regarding Subhagya scheme is incorrect
A) Below poverty line people will be given power connections at free of cost
B) Beneficiaries would be identified using Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC)
2011 data.
C) The Rural Electrification Corporation Limited (REC) will be the nodal agency
for the operationalisation of the scheme throughout the country.
1) A, B
2) B,C
3) A,B,C
4) None of the above
Ques) DRUZBA 2017 is the military exercise between
A) Pakistan and Russia
B) Russia and South Korea
C) India and Myanmar
D) Pakistan and China
Ques) which of the following statements regarding Economic Advisory Council correct
A) It is a permanent non constitutional body
B) It publishes reports on the annual Economic Outlook
1) A only
2) B only
3) Both A and B
4) Neither A nor B
1 (3), 2 (4), 3 (A), 4(2)
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