(Download) EBOOK : Economic Survey 2020-21

(Download) EBOOK : Economic Survey 2020-21
Content :
Chapter-1 Saving Lives and Livelihoods amidst a Once-in-a-Century Crisis
- COVID-19: Once in A Century ‘Crisis’
- Research-Driven Policy Response amidst Unprecedented Uncertainty
- India’s Humane Policy Response: Short-Term Pain, Long-Term Gain
- Efficacy of Initial Lockdown in Controlling the Pandemic
- India: Riding Against the Wave
- V-Shaped Economic Recovery Due to Timely Stringent Lockdown
- Far-Sighted Policy Response for Economic Recovery
- Looking Forward
Chapter-2 Does Growth lead to Debt Sustainability? Yes, But Not Vice- Versa!
- The (R-G) Differential and Debt Sustainability in India
- The IRGD and Debt Sustainability for Other Economies
- In India, Growth Leads to Debt Sustainability, Not Vice-Versa
- Direction of Causality in Other Economies
- Crowding Out Due to Public Expenditure?
- Structure of India’s Debt
- Scenario Analysis: Is India’s Current Debt Sustainable?
- Policy Implications
Chapter-3 Does India’s Sovereign Credit Rating Reflect Its Fundamentals? No!
- The Bias Against Emerging Giants in Sovereign Credit Ratings
- India’s Sovereign Credit Ratings
- Does India’s Sovereign Credit Rating Reflect its Fundamentals? No!
- Have India’s Sovereign Credit Ratings Reflected its Fundamentals in the Past? No!
- Does India’s Sovereign Credit Rating Reflect its Willingness and Ability to Pay? No!
- Effect of Sovereign Credit Rating Changes on Select Indicators
- Macroeconomic Indicators as Determinants of Sovereign Credit Rating Changes
- Policy Implications
Chapter-4 Inequality and Growth: Conflict or Convergence?
- Introduction
- Growth, Inequality, and Socio-Economic Outcomes: India Versus The Advanced Economies
- Is Perfect Equality Optimal?
- Inequality or Poverty?
- Relative Impact of Economic Growth and Inequality on Poverty in India
- Summary and Conclusions
Chapter-5 Healthcare takes Centre Stage, Finally!
- Introduction
- Given significant Market Failures, Healthcare needs careful System Design
- COVID-19 and India’s Healthcare Policy
- Indian Healthcare Currently
- Unregulated Private Enterprise in an Industry marked by High Level of Market Failure
- Information Asymmetry in India’s Private Insurance Markets
- Telemedicine
- Conclusion and Policy Suggestions
Chapter-6 Process Reforms
- The Problem of Regulatory Effectiveness
- The Inevitability of Incomplete Regulations
- The Problem of Regulatory Default
- Solving for Discretion
- Direction of Administrative Process Reforms
Chapter-7 Regulatory Forbearance an emergency medicine, not staple diet!
- Introduction
- The Original Sin: The Seven-Year Forbearance!
- Cost of Extended Forbearance Versus Early Resolution of Banking Crises:International Evidence
- Adverse Impact of Forbearance on Bank Performance and Lending
- Bank Clean-Up Without Adequate Capitalization
- Implications for the Current Forbearance Regime
Chapter-8 Innovation: Trending Up but Needs Thrust, Especially from the Private Sector
- Why Innovation Matters
- How Does India Perform on Innovation?
- India’s Innovation Performance vis-à-vis Top Ten Economies
- Trends in India’s Innovation Performance
- R&D Expenditure in India
- India’s Performance on Patents and Trademarks
- Is Indian Innovation Affected by Access to Finance?
- Is India Effectively Translating Innovation Inputs into Innovation Outputs?
- Policy Implications
Chapter-9 JAY Ho: Ayushman Bharat’s Jan Arogya Yojana (JAY) and Health Outcomes
- Introduction
- PM-JAY: Status and Progress so far
- Public Goods, Democracies and Governance
- PM-JAY and COVID-19
- PM-JAY and Health Outcomes: Difference-In-Difference Estimates
- Concluding observations
Chapter-10 The Bare Necessities
- Introduction
- Overall BNI
- Drinking Water Accessibility Index
- Sanitation Index
- Housing Index
- Micro-Environment Index
- Other Facilities Index
- Health Outcomes
- Education Outcomes
- Conclusion