THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 March 2020 [New forces in orbit (Indian Express)]

New forces in orbit (Indian Express)

Mains Paper 3: Science and Tech
Prelims level: SpaceX
Mains level: Privatisation in space sector and its aftermath challenges


  • Space programmes have for long been viewed as either strategic or symbols of national prestige for big countries that are prepared to invest significant resources in the pursuit of a credible presence in outer space.
  • Two small countries, the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Europe have begun to demonstrate that the outer space need not be the playing ground for big powers alone.

Set them in outer space:

  • The interesting path these two countries have set for themselves in outer space is a reminder that Delhi needs to adapt to the rapidly changing dynamic in outer space.
  • That size is not a constraint is reflected in the UAE’s plan to launch its Mars mission, “Hope”, later this year in partne rship with a range of organisations across the world — including three universities in the US.
  • Japan is scheduled to launch the UAE Mars probe this year. India’s own ISRO is also working with the UAE on its Mars mission.
  • Last year, the first Emirati Astronaut, Hazza al-Mansouri spent more than a week in the US-Russian space station.

Strategies adopted by UAE:

  • While spectacular projects like sending an astronaut into space or launching a Mars probe generate much flag-waving at home and turn heads in the region and beyond, there is something else at the heart of the UAE’s space strategy.
  • It is about cornering a slice of the rapidly growing commercial space industry — part of a major effort to diversify the UAE economy away from its reliance on hydrocarbons.

Strategies adopted by Luxembourg:

  • Luxembourg has a similar strategy. It too entered the space sector only in the middle of the last decade. It is also driven by the need for economic diversification.
  • Over the years, Luxembourg moved away from its past reliance on the steel industry to become a centre of European banking and finance.
  • It is now looking at commercial space as a major opportunity. Luxembourg has taken a number of regulatory steps to create a vibrant ecosystem for space companies ranging from satellite operations to future extraction of resources from asteroids and other space objects.
  • At the moment, the space sector accounts for nearly 2 per cent of Luxembourg’s GDP.
  • There are more than 50 companies and two public research organisations that are driving the expansion of space sector in Luxembourg.

Limitation of these countries:

  • UAE and Luxembourg do have a reputation for leveraging new ideas to transcend the limitations of their size in the world.
  • But their space adventure was not possible without the structural changes that are reshaping the global space activity.

Aiming the space sector by private companies:

  • SpaceX plans to launch hundreds of satellites into the low-earth orbit to provide internet services.
  • Amazon has plans to build a network of more than 3,000 satellites in the low-earth orbit. Musk and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos have plans to develop space tourism and build human settlements on the Moon and on Mars.
  • Last year, a private company in Israel sent a lunar lander to the Moon. Although the lander crashed, much like India’s Vikram, the private sector has begun to do things that were once the monopoly of national agencies.

India’s position:

  • India, however, is quite some distance away from adapting to the unfolding changes in the global space business.
  • In its early years, India’s space programme that was constrained by lack of resources found innovative ways of getting ahead in space.
  • Although the ISRO encourages private sector participation in the national space programme, its model is still very 20th century — in terms of governmental domination.

Way ahead:

  • As it looks at the growing role of the private sector and the effort by nations like the UAE and Luxembourg, Delhi needs to move quickly towards a new model for India’s space activity.
  • It needs a regulatory environment that encourages a more dynamic role for the private sector and promotes innovation.
  • It will be a pity if India squanders the many advantages of its early start in space by delaying the much-needed reform and reorganisation of its space sector.

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Prelims Questions:

Q1. With reference to the RAISE 2020- ‘Responsible AI for Social Empowerment 2020’, consider the following statements:
1. It is India's first Artificial Intelligence summit to be organized by the Government in partnership with Industry and Academia.
2. The summit will be a global meeting of minds to exchange ideas to use AI for social empowerment, inclusion and transformation in key areas like Healthcare, Agriculture, Education and Smart Mobility amongst other sectors.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: C
Mains Questions:
Q1. Describe the role of private sector in space activity across the world. How India can leverage the space activity by introducing private players?