THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 13 June 2020 (Streamed education is diluted education (The Hindu))
Streamed education is diluted education (The Hindu)
Mains Paper 2: National
Prelims level: SWAYAM platform
Mains level: e-learning platform and its sustainability in India
- All that is of value is diluting into the functional, and there seems to be no vocabulary to capture this dilution of value.
- Our conception of value itself has been diluted to mean just exchange ‘value’.
- Here, I will relate this to the meaning of education.
The UGC scheme:
- Recently, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University Grants Commission had issued a circular to universities encouraging them to adopt massive open online courses (MOOCs).
- Courses were offered on its SWAYAM platform for credit transfers in the coming semesters.
- This sounds like a benevolent act during th...............................
MOOC-based e-learning platforms:
- MOOC-based e-learning platforms tend to reinforce a top-down teacher-to-student directionality of learning whereby the teacher ‘creates’ and the student ‘consumes’.
- This misses the point that teaching and learning are skills that are always in the making.
- The teacher is after all “an intellectual midwife” who facilitates in the birth of students’ ideas and insights through engaging in critical dialogue.
- In a conducive classroom environment, this role is often switched and the student plays intellectual midwife to the teacher’s ideas.
- Moving to a MOOC-based degree system would rob young teachers and students of these essential lessons in teaching and learning from each other.
Sacred spaces:
- Taking higher education online is much like taking up a sport such as cricket, football or boxing online.
- One has not actually learnt the sport unless one has engaged with it in one’s gully, stadium, field, or ring.
- In education, the classroom acts ........................
Litmus test:
- Implicit in every curriculum is the tacit assumption that the classroom is a laboratory for hands-on testing of ideas, opinions, interpretations, and counterarguments.
- A diverse and inclusive classroom is the best litmus test for any theory or insight.
- Multidisciplinarity happens more through serendipity — when learners across disciplines bump into each other and engage in conversations.
- Classroom and campus spaces offer the potential for solidarity in the face of discrimination, social anxiety, and stage fear, paving the way for a proliferation of voluntary associations.
- In the absence of this physical space, teaching and learning would give way to mere content and its consumption.
- Without a shared space to discuss and contest ideas, learning dilutes to just gathering more information.
- This could also dilute norms of evaluation, whereby a “good lecture” might mean merely a lecture which “streams seamlessly, without buffering”.
- This is not an argument from tradition.
- One could think of greater value-sensitive and socially just architectures and technologies that further foster classroom engagement.
- And also make it accessible for students of various disabilities and challenges, thereby adding more value to the existing meaning of education.
- But public education modelled on social distancing is a functional reduction and dilution of the meaning of education.
- It could add value only as an addendum to the classroom.
- Such platforms must be seen only as stop-gap variants that help us get by under lockdown situations and complement classroom lectures.
- Our vocabulary has many terms for the loss of function — failure, malfunction, dysfunction, breakdown, etc. — but hardly any for the loss of value.
- ‘Malpractice’ is the closest that comes to mind.
- This malpractice of the dilution of education must be resisted, else we
are asking for multiple concussions.
Online Coaching for UPSC PRE Exam
Prelims Questions:
Q1. What is 163348 (2002 NN4), recently seen in news?
(a) A giant asteroid
(b) A satellite launched by North Korea
(c) Fastest Supercomputer developed by Israel
(d) An Exoplanet
Answer: ....................................
Mains Questions:
Q1. Why e-learning isn’t a sustainable