THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 25 October 2019 (The effort to reduce poverty in India is riddled with complexity (Live Mint))

The effort to reduce poverty in India is riddled with complexity (Live Mint)

Mains Paper 3: Economy
Prelims level: Randomized control trials
Mains level: Poverty alleviation control techniques


  • The Nobel Prize for economics this year has been awarded to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer for “their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty".
  • The economists advocated the use of randomized control trials (RCTs) to understand the impact of micro-interventions on poverty alleviation. This has reignited the debate on the use of evidence in policymaking.

Introducing RCTs

  • Drawing from medical sciences, RCTs have been in use in economics for more than two decades.
  • The debate on them revolved largely around three aspects:
  • Their approach, methodology and impact on policy.
  • The approach of using RCTs to address pressing development problems is perhaps the most contested.

Background behind this approach

  • This involves “treating" a section of population with some micro-interventions and then examining the impact against a control group, which is similar in all aspects, except treatment.
  • By design, these experiments are only as good as the nature of the interventions, and they typically examine micro aspects of behaviour—although not all aspects.
  • Such interventions may be a useful tool for policymakers to understand the efficacy of a particular step, but are unlikely to provide solutions to some of the vexed issues of poverty, which is caused by multiple factors rooted in social, political and economic structures.
  • Any claim, therefore, that these can solve global poverty not only exaggerates, but also shows an inaccurate understanding of why poverty persists and how societies that manage to reduce it do so.
  • The approach holds—though not so explicitly—individuals or households responsible for their poverty, rather than the socio-economic and political context.

The real issue is the impact of such experiments on policy:

  • While there is certainly an argument for the use of better evidence in policymaking, what is also important is the very nature of the intervention.
  • Some policy instruments may be amenable to experiments, while a large majority may not; particularly those that seek to alter the structure of production and distribution that drive growth, and, in turn, help reduce poverty.
  • Macroeconomic policies, which have contributed to large-scale poverty reduction in countries such as China and India, have hardly been influenced by any RCT.
  • Even large-scale social protection interventions such as the National Rural Employment Guarantee programme or the Mid-Day Meal scheme have emerged from political struggles, rather than RCT-based evidence.
  • But despite the exaggerated claims on their usefulness to policy, RCTs may have some relevance in improving the design of some schemes.

Impact of RCTs on policy interventions:

  • The evidence generated through such experiments on micro-finance, the quality of education and access to health services does suggest the need for better informed policies.
  • The mad rush to view micro-finance as a panacea for poverty needs to be nuanced with evidence, which shows no impact on the poverty or income of recipients.

Way ahead

  • The need for better information and evidence for policy is regardless of which instrument is used.
  • Perhaps multiple instruments and methodologies ought to be adopted. In fact, there is a long history in India of using large-scale secondary data as well as micro studies—such as village surveys conducted by agro-economic research centres—to guide government policy.
  • A good example of this is the debate that led up to the passage of the National Food Security Act, in which large-scale National Sample Surveys were used together with micro experiments for a better design and approach to food security.


  • Also, some of the insights came from evidence based on the experience of state governments and grassroot activists.
  • At a time when India’s economy is slowing down and all evidence points to an increase in deprivation, unemployment and hunger, data and evidence are crucial in not just understanding the extent of poverty, but also finding the pathway to lift millions out of it.

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Prelims Questions:

Q.1) With reference to the ‘Terracotta Grinder’, consider the following statements:
1. Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) recently launched a first ever ‘Terracotta Grinder’ at Sewapuri in Varanasi to Re-use wasted pottery.
2. It will lessen the cost of production and will solve the problem of shortage of clays.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) None of the above

Ans: C
Mains Questions:
Q.1) What do you mean by randomized control trials? Explain the impact of RCTs on policy interventions for vulnerable sections in the society.