(Cut Off) UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination, 2022
(Cut Off) UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination, 2022
Based on the results of the Stage-I (Preliminay) Examination held on 20th February, 2022, Stage-II (Main) Examination held on 25th & 26th June, 2022 of the Combined Geo-Scientist Examination, 2022 conducted by the UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION and followed by the Personality Test in the month of January, 2023, the following are the lists, in order of merit, of the candidates who have been recommended for appointment to the posts of Geologist Group ‘A’ , Geophysicist, Group ‘A’ and Chemist, Group ‘A’ in the Geological Survey of India; and Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology) Group ‘A’, Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical) Group ‘A’ and Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics), Group ‘A’ in the Central Ground Water Board.
2. The numbers of vacancies reported by the Government to be filled are as under: -
Chemist, Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology), Group ‘A’
Name of the Post |
SC |
ST |
Total |
Geologist, Group ‘A’ |
39 |
11 |
28 |
15 |
07 |
100 [Incl. 03 PwBD-1 & 03 PwBD-3] |
Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology), Group ‘A’ |
09 |
02 |
05 |
03 |
01 |
20 |
Geophysicist, Group ‘A’/ Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics), Group ‘A’
Name of the Post |
SC |
ST |
Total |
Geophysicist, Group ‘A’ |
22 |
05 |
13 |
06 |
04 |
50 [Incl. 03 PwBD-1& 03 PwBD-3] |
Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics),Group ‘A’ |
01 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
01 |
Chemist, Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical), Group ‘A’
Name of the Post |
SC |
ST |
Total |
Chemist, Group ‘A’ |
08 |
02 |
05 |
03 |
02 |
20[Incl. 01 PwBD-3] |
Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical),Group ‘A’ |
01 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
00 |
01 |
3. A total number of 175 candidates have been recommended for appointment to the posts as under:
Geologist, Group ‘A’
Number of candidates recommended |
Gen |
SC |
ST |
27 |
14 |
35[Incl. 03 PwBD-1] |
15 [Incl. 01PwBD-1] |
07 |
98* [Incl. 04 PwBD-1#] |
* 02 vacancies of General category are being kept vacant on account of non availability of suitable PwBD-3 candidates against current year vacancies reserved for PwBD-3 in terms of Rule 8 of DoPT’s OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt(Res) dated 15/01/2018.
# 01 PwBD-1 candidate has been recommended against PwBD-3 backlog vacancy due to non availability of PwBD-3 candidate after applying interchangability in terms of Rule 8 of DoP&T OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt. (Res.) dated 15/01/2018.
Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology), Group ‘A’
Number of candidates recommended |
Gen |
SC |
ST |
05 |
05 |
06 |
03 |
01 |
20 |
Geophysicist, Group ‘A’/ Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics), Group ‘A’
Number of candidates recommended |
Gen |
SC |
ST |
12 [Incl. 01PwBD-1] |
05 |
13[Incl. 02 PwBD-1] |
06 [Incl. 01PwBD-1] |
04 |
40* [Incl. 04 PwBD-1#] |
* 01 vacancy of General category is being kept vacant on account of non availability of suitable PwBD-3 candidate against current year vacancy reserved for PwBD-3 in terms of Rule 8 of DoPT’s OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt(Res) dated 15/01/2018.
# 01 PwBD-1 candidate has been recommended against PwBD-3 backlog vacancy due to non availability of PwBD-3 candidate after applying interchangability in terms of Rule 8 of DoP&T OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt. (Res.) dated 15/01/2018.
Chemist, Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical), Group ‘A’
Number of candidates recommended |
Gen |
SC |
ST |
05 |
02 |
05 |
03 |
02 |
17* |
* 01 vacancy of General category is being kept vacant on account of non availability of suitable PwBD-3 candidate against current year vacancy reserved for PwBD-3 in terms of Rule 8 of DoPT’s OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt(Res) dated 15/01/2018.
4. In accordance with Rule 16 (iv) and (v) of the Combined Geo-Scientist Examination, 2022, the Commission has maintained a consolidated Reserve List for the posts of Geophysicist, Group ‘A’/ Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics) Group ‘A’ and Chemist, Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical), Group ‘A’ of candidates as under:
Geophysicist, Group ‘A’/ Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics), Group ‘A’
Gen |
10 |
03 |
07 |
20 |
Chemist, Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical), Group ‘A’
Gen |
03 |
01 |
02 |
06 |
5. Appointment to the posts shall be made by the Government in accordance with the merit position.
6. The Result of 28 recommended candidates with following Roll Numbers is provisional :
Geologist, Group ‘A’ |
0290171 |
0490121 |
0490181 |
0490216 |
0490617 |
0590128 |
0590176 |
0690621 |
0790420 |
0890618 |
0890862 |
0990216 |
0990331 |
2690367 |
2690381 |
3590139 |
Scientist ‘B’ (Hydrogeology), Group ‘A’ |
0490501 |
2690326 |
Geophysicist, Group ‘A’/Scientist ‘B’ (Geophysics), Group ‘A’ |
0290505 |
0590650 |
0891570 |
1990971 |
2690795 |
Chemist, Group ‘A’ / Scientist ‘B’ (Chemical), Group ‘A’ |
0591239 |
0895187 |
0693714 |
0894124 |
0894405 |
7. The offer of appointment to the candidates whose result has been kept provisional will not be issued till the Commission verifies the original documents awaited from such candidates. The provisionality of these candidates will remain valid only for a period of three months from the date of declaration of Final result. In case the candidate fails to submit the requisite documents as required by the Commission within this period, their candidature will be cancelled and no further correspondence would be entertained in this regard.
8. UPSC has a 'Facilitation Counter' near Examination Hall in its campus. Candidates can obtain any information/clarification regarding their examination/ recruitment on the working day between 10.00 hrs. to
17.00 hrs in person or over telephone nos. 011-23385271 / 23381125. Result will also be available on the UPSC web site i.e. www.upsc.gov.in. Marks of the canddiates shall be made available on the website within fifteen days from the date of publciation of the result.
Click Here for Official Cut-Off
Courtesy : UPSC