In this devastating situation of COVID-19, professionals, service persons, political entities, economic stakeholders & the whole ecosystem are badly affected. All the students in school, colleges, or preparing for any competitive exams are no exception to it. It is a tough time especially for the aspirants who are preparing for UPSC Civil Services. Some of you might have left your lucrative job to opt for civil services preparation.
Most of the people are working in remote mode, feeling a little extra-challenged in engaging with civil services preparation. All the civil aspirants may find it difficult with increased stress outbursts.
While it’s a challenge for the aspirant, there are certain steps you can take to feel more motivated to engage in your preparation.
Consider the questions below & think how would you answer?
- What plans can I design for myself to boost my motivation?
- How I can make engaging or interesting my preparation?
- How my preparation benefit me down the road in near future?
- How do I get myself to study even when I’m not in the mood?
- Do I know about anything that hinders my motivation and what can be done to help?
- What am I doing to keep myself energized & healthy and take care of my well-being?
- Are the precautions that I’m taking to save with COVID19 is enough?
- How am I managing, planning, or implementing my study routine?
And finally…
- What new practices do I need to start to help myself feel engaged and motivated?
Every aspirant may answer these questions based on his/her situation. You will be the best judge to judge your situation.
Now we will discuss what can be an ideal way out while responding to the above questions. These points will surely give an answer & strategy for all the above questions.
Optimistic about COVID 19:
- Although COVID-19 has almost all the negative things, the aspirant must be an optimistic person to think best out of the waste.
- This situation has given enough time for all the aspirants to study in detail. Since there are no exams & neither expected to be held in a few months. This has given you a lot of time to study in detail.
- It is one of the best times to study especially for a person doing self-study. Since with the approaching date of exams, we mostly focus on important things leaving the less important topic.
- It is the best time to go & refresh your basics by studying NCERT Books.
- Make multiple revisions of all the upsc test papers & study notes. Make sure to revise all important topics by 10-12 times. A maximum revision of the same things makes you confidant & helps in the elimination method to be used in upsc preliminary exams.
- For people whose optional subject is not ready due to lack of time, may prepare their optional subject. This is more beneficial for those whose syllabus is matching with the upsc preliminary exam syllabus.
- Ethics, GS preparations, essay & language test for upsc mains can be prepared. This will give you an extra edge over other participants. Since the time gap between the pre & mains is very less as compared to the demanding syllabus.
- COVID-19 has given you sufficient time to prepare leaving other disturbances like outings, partying, social gathering. So use this time wisely.
Plan your study :
- Start your day with a your schedule.
- Break down your study plan into small, manageable tasks.
- Make quarterly, monthly study plans & divide it into weekly & daily plans.
- Give yourself rewards for the tasks completed like completing your weekly or monthly targets.
- Balance your studies with leisure time also.
Conscious about Health :
- It is more than mandatory to keep yourself away from this COVID19 disease by adhering to all the precautionary guidelines.
- A healthy person will always get an extra edge over a diseased person.
- Exercise regularly & pay attention to sleep.
- Eat healthy & immune-building foods.
- Make just use of digital media & stay connected with your dear ones with a limited or nil connectivity to unnecessary peoples.
Think about the daily routine :
- Taking breaks
- Exercising
- Eating right
- Staying on a regular sleep schedule
- Staying connected with dear ones.
- Reaching out for help when you need it most.
Stay motivated :
- Think about the reason you choose to become a civil servant, your ambition, future plans associated with that.
- Think about the result declaration day when you will find your name in the selected list.
- Think about the cherished faces of your family & dear ones.
- If possible see motivation videos or read IAS Toppers success stories daily for 10-15 mins to have a daily dose of motivation.
You will be able to find & relate most of the answers to the above questions. Think positive & convert this dark COVID period into your GOLDEN period to write a new history.
Happy Studies!
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