Government Plan Programme Policies for UPSC Exam: National Biotechnology Mission
Government Plan Programme Policies for UPSC Exam
The National Biotechnology Development Strategy-2015-2020 is the direct result of formal and informal consultations over the past two years with over 300 stakeholders including scientists, educators, policy makers, leaders of industry and civil society, voluntary and non-government organizations, regulators and international experts. The consultations offered an opportunity to discuss and evaluate technological, societal and policy aspirations, critical success factors as well as barriers that will impede growth and put them in newer and broader perspective and action plan.
The envisaged mission of the strategy is:
- Provide impetus to utilising the knowledge and tools to the advantage of Humanity.
- Launch a major well directed mission backed with significant investment for generation of new Biotech Products.
- Empower scientifically and technologically India’s incomparable Human Resource.
- Create a strong Infrastructure for R&D and Commercialisation.
- Establish India as a world class Bio-manufacturing Hub
Important key elements of the biotechnology development strategy are:
- Building a Skilled Workforce and Leadership
- Revitalizing the knowledge environment at par with the growing bioeconomy
- Enhance Research opportunities in basic, disciplinary and inter-disciplinary sciences
- Encourage use-inspired discovery research
- Focus on biotechnology tools for inclusive development
- Nurturing innovation, translational capacity and entrepreneurship
- Ensuring a transparent, efficient and globally best Regulatory system and communication strategy
- Biotechnology cooperation- Fostering global and national alliances
- Strengthen Institutional Capacity with redesigned governance models
- Create a matrix of measurement of processes as well as outcome
The key elements would be implemented in collaboration and partnership with Other Ministries, Departments, State Governments and international agencies towards achieving:
- Making India ready to meet the challenge of achieving US$100bn by 2025
- Launching Four Major Missions – Healthcare, Food and Nutrition, Clean Energy and Education
- Creating a Technology Development and Translation network across the country with global partnership-5 new clusters, 40 Biotech incubators, 150 TTOs, 20 Bioconnect centres
- Strategic and focussed investment in building the Human Capital by creating a Life Sciences and Biotechnology Education Council
This program want to build a new knowledge environment in the country and it will provide a good learning as well as skill opportunity to the people. THis strategy can have a great impact in the field of Health care, food , medicine, intellectual property and aquaculture. Technology revolution is always accompanied by uncertainty and fear. Therefore for diffusion of technology in public good, there is a need to gain acceptance on the processes and products. It is therefore important to build resources for enabling validation and for creating products as per approved manufacturing processes.
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