Sugamya Bharat Abhiyaan: Government Plan Programme Policies for UPSC Exam
Government Plan Programme Policies for UPSC Exam
:: Sugamya Bharat Abhiyaan ::
Government of india has come up with Accessible India Campaign (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan), for acheiving universal accessabilty across India for persons with disability. Three seperate verticals will be used for achieving universal accessability across India for PwDs. Three ecosystem will include built up environment, transportation eco-system and information & communication eco-system. Campaign will use IT and social media for the purpose of achieving the timebased targets. Union government has requested state govts to identify 50 to 100 places in big cities and also websites which will have maximum impact on PoWs.
After the identification access audit will be done by idependent organisations. Along with these public places ‘Accessible police stations’, “Accessible hospitals’ and ‘Accessible tourism’ are being created by the government across the country. The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities is also coordinating with the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting for enhancing accessibility of Television programmes by incorporating features like captioning, text to speech and audio description. DEPwD is also in the process of creating a mobile app, along with a web portal for crowd sourcing the requests regarding inaccessible places. With the app, downloaded on his/her mobile phone, any person would be able to click a photograph or video of an inaccessible public place (like a school, hospital, government office etc.) and upload the same to the Accessible India portal.
from the above discussion we can see that lot of laws andagreement were present before the Accessible India campaign came into existence. They did not perform to the satisfactory level, only time will tell about the fate of Accessible India campaign. Still the launch of the campaign has been highly successful and with this campaign India has joined the developed world as a society which cares for PwDs, providing them universal accessibility, accessibility rights and independent living. According to 2011 census, total households in India having disabled persons was 207.8 lakhs, which is a huge population. If this campaign becomes sussessfull it will make life of person with disability little more easier and government would do its duty towards the persons with disability.
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