Study Material on Contemporary Issues for UPSC Exams: (International Issues)
Study Material on Contemporary Issues for UPSC Exams: (International Issues)
Gilgit Baltistan: Province, No Province?
- Link with ‘AJK’
- Pakistan: challenges, costs
- China: dividends
- India: fallout, derivatives
Deployment of Central Forces in the North East: Need for a Realistic Security Audit
- Issues of Concern
- Way Forward
Deciphering Pakistan’s Kashmir Lexicon
- Exploiting the Kashmir Protests
- Pakistan’s Diplomatic Campaign
- Pakistan’s Plans for the UN General Assembly Session
- Pakistan’s Continued Use of Terrorism
- Radicalisation in the Valley
- Finance for the Protests
- Modi’s References to Baluchistan and PoK
- The way forward
An Assessment of President Obama’s Foreign Policy
- Reconciliation with Cuba
- The Iran Deal
- Moving towards a nuclear-weapon-free and more peaceful world
- The Arab Spring
- Relations with Russia
- Relations with China
- The Palestine Question
- Relations with India
Bringing India-Nepal ties back on track
Naga ‘Framework Agreement’ and Its Aftermath
Revival of the Russian Military: An Assessment
- Military Modernisation and Reforms
- Limits of the Modernisation Programme
- Dynamics of Military Modernisation and Russia’s Foreign Policy
NSG and China’s Grand Strategic Flip-flops: Some Plausible Explanations
- The ‘hedge’ finally takes-off
- A power transition in the works?
- Beijing’s dented image
- Is a quid pro quo needed?
Why India’s South China Sea Stand Matters
Developments in PoK and the Kashmir Valley: An Analysis
- Situation in PoK
- ‘AJK’ and GB: Getting used to Controlled Politics?
- About the Valley and the Pakistani connection
- Islamic State hand behind Kashmir Protests?
- Pakistan’s Diplomatic Blitzkrieg: Why has it failed?
- Indian Response and Options
Whither Turkey?
Are Russia and NATO inching towards a conflict?
- Russian and NATO Threat Perceptions
- Russia’s Historical Anxiety
- Brexit and the Dynamics of European Defence
- Is a Military Confrontation Between Russia and NATO in the Offing?
- Implications for India
China’s Growing Influence in the Caribbean
Message from the Indo-Bangladesh Border: ‘Banijya Basati Lakkhi’
Inter-State Council and Internal Security
A Security Council for the 21st Century: Challenges & Prospects
- IGN Process: Current Status
- Approaches/Opportunities to be leveraged
- Role of Capitals
- Role of the President of the General Assembly
- Role of the Secretary-General
- Role of the General Membership/Pro-reformers
- Role of Civil Society
- Political Environment in Member States
- Concluding Thoughts: Some Key Questions
Making FDI Count in Defence
PSLV launches 20 Satellites in a Single Mission
Integrating Defence Plans with Niti Aayog’s Long Term Vision
Perception matters against Left Wing Extremism
India’s Space Security Policy: A Proposal
- India’s Adherence to Space Norms
- Requisites
- Policy Viewpoint
- Implementation
India can’t afford to ignore disaster management
- Warning
- Emergency
- Preparedness
Developing disaster-proof cities
- Rising urbanisation and growing risk
- Urban risks and exposure
- Identifying and mitigating risk
- Financing the risk
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