Study Material on Contemporary Issues for UPSC Exams: (National Issues)
Study Material on Contemporary Issues for UPSC Exams: (National Issues)
:: National Issues ::
Social Justice in the Indian Context
Social Justice in India
Economic Aspects
Political Aspect
Social Aspects
Human Rights Law in India: Right to Water and Social Justice
The States commitment to access to water
Development of human rights law on right to water by the judiciary
Human Rights Law versus social realities in accessing the right to water
Challenges to the human right to water
Livelihood for the Marginalised
Impact of NREGS-An Overview
Performance of NREGS in Tamil Nadu and Kanyakumari District
Disadvantaged Sections: Processes of Continuity and Change
A Commitment to the Voluntary Sector
Utility and Governance Challenges Facing the NGO Sector
NGO Sector in India
Key governance challenges
Suggestions and Conclusion
Digital India vs Net Neutrality
Defamation is no crime
Dalit empowerment through consensus not conflict, dialogue not dominance
What isn’t sedition
Citadel never falls except from within
Beg, which led to the “Second Supersession” that of Khanna who resigned — but in a blaze of glory.
Debate about the Prevention of Corruption (PC) Act
Real Interpretation of Islam
Political executive and police management must share blame for crime
Government should back CJI on idea of a Court of Appeal
Insufficient judges, unwilling lawyers
Appellate jurisdiction
Restore constitutional court
Article 356
Judges versus politicians
Muslim Personal Law Board
The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2016
A blow for the right to knowledge
Not a moral right
For progress
Global implications
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