Free Mock Test Paper for UPSC Mains General Studies (Test -2)
Free Mock Test Paper for UPSC Mains General Studies (Test -2)
Q.1. India-Japan ties blossom at the confluence of Modi-Abenomics . Discuss. (200 words)
Q.2. Compare and contrast important features of the constitution of Afghanistan and India. (200 words)
Q.3. The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010 or Nuclear Liability Act is a highly debated and controversial Act . Explain. (200 words)
Q.4. “There can be no separate foreign policy for Tamil Nadu.” Comment. (200 words)
Q.5. India does not need a commission for planning; it needs a commission to ensure vision and flawless coordination for exceptional execution with integrity. Discuss. (200 words)
Q.6. Examine the origin, dimensions and implications of Sino-Indian border dispute. (200 words)
Q.7. “North-South Cooperation is historical responsibility, South-South cooperation is voluntary partnership.”Comment.(200 words)
Q.8. Explain the impact of coalition politics on India’s foreign policy since late 1990s. (200 words)
Q.9. The implication is that India’s policy with West Asia is framed by its oil and remittance workers (although when the latter were being expelled, it was the oil relationship that prevented India from a more robust defence of its citizens).(200 words)
Q.10. Reforms are needed in the law enforcement system to make convictions more possible and punishments more convincing. Comment (200 words)
Q.11. Critically analyze the question of death sentence and Presidential clemency. (200 words)
Q.12. The Representation of people Act 1951 provide rules for the conduct of elections of the Houses of Parliament and to the House or Houses of the Legislature of each State. Comment (200 words)
Q.13. What are the broad issues associated with the governance of cyberspace? How are they conflicting with each other? Examine. (200 words)
Q.14. Discuss how the financial relations between Centre and States affected after the post liberalization era . (200 words)
Q.15. Is Indian democracy conducive to the development of Civil Society ? Comment (200 words)
Q.16. "Even otherwise the constitutional and legal rights, privileges and liberties of the Petitioner cannot be jeopardized and/or affected, just because of the reason that the Petitioner is married to a public servant.” Analyse. (200 words)
Q.17. The Civil service is one of the agents of development in any nation. Discuss. (200 words)
Q.18. “…..Judges and courts have creatively reinterpreted their statutory authority and expanded their own power and enhanced their standing vis-a-vis legislature and executive.” Critically examine this assessment. (200 words)
Q.19. Discuss CAG in the context of his/her role as the ‘Guide, Friend and Philosopher’.(200 words)
Q.20. Does India need a poverty line ? Give your opinion in the light of recent controversies over the estimates of poverty line. (200 words)
Q.21. Give arguments in the favour and against the creation of All India Judicial Services. (200 words)
Q.22. Mere formation of a Smaller State is no
guarantee for better lives for those groups for whom these States have been
created . We need a second States Reorganization Commission to provide enduring
solutions. Discuss (200 words)
Q.23. Democratic politics as a system is tuned to pander to populist interests, which leads to competition among politicians to increasingly splurge on populism. Comment. (200 words)
Q.24. Government believes that the Direct Cash Transfer or Direct Benefits Transfer is likely to be a game- changer in more than one way. Discuss. (200 words)
Q.25. Discuss the bilateral relations between India and Australia in the context of developments under Modi Government. (200 words)
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