Free Mock Test Paper for UPSC Mains General Studies (Test -3)
Free Mock Test Paper for UPSC Mains General Studies (Test -3)
1. Comment on the structure and composition of India’s national security decision making apparatus and mechanism. (200 words)
2. Write a note on National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) rescue and rehabilitation operation in Jammu and Kashmir in context of recent flood. (200 words)
3. Discuss National Livestock Mission (NLM) to Ensure Quantitative and Qualitative Improvement in Livestock Production. (200 words)
4. ‘Biodiversity informatics vital for sustainable growth’. Comment. (200 words)
5. “Bangladesh and Myanmar have had a not-too-stable a relationship on the border – both land and maritime.” Critically examine its implications on India and its role in resolving border dispute between Bangladesh and Myanmar. (200 words)
6. Discuss issues related to the establishment of proposed Maritime Silk Route (MSR) in context of Indo- China relations. (200 words)
7. What is National AYUSH Mission ? Discuss its features and usefulness. (200 words)
8. Write a critical note on the revised defence FDI policy and its importance. (200 words)
a) What do you mean by Quarks? Discuss its importance in Particle Physics.
(100 words)
b) What is paediatric TB? Is it one of the major issues in India’s TB control
program? (100 words)
10. What is “cleanliness index’’ ? ‘Mission Swacch Bharat aspire to realize Gandhi ’s dream of a clean India through Jan Bhagidari ’ .Comment (200 words)
11. “No country, however rich and powerful, has the capability to marshal all the intellectual and physical resources that are necessary to fight the rising burden of communicable as well as non-communicable diseases. They want to reach out to give as well as receive cooperation. It is time to institutionalise this in the rubric of international diplomacy.” Comment. (200 words)
12. ‘Smart leadership and smart people are essential pre-requisites for making cities smart’. In context of this statement discuss smart cities and its environment. (200 words)
13. India does not maintain a Defence Inflation Index, unlike countries like the United Kingdom but armed forces in India require greater delegation of financial powers? Critically discuss why. (200 words)
14. “Indigenous development of navigational system is essential for India’s security system”. Comment. (200 words)
15. What is Ebola virus disease and its symptoms ? How do humans get infected with this virus ? What is the treatment ? (200 words)
a) What is salient features of MIIUS ? (Modified Industrial Infrastructure
Upgradation Scheme) (100 words)
b) What are the amendments in the Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment)
Act 1994 in 2011? (100 words)
a) Discuss a number of measures initiated by Government of India to prevent
and deal with occurrence of corporate frauds. (100 words)
b) Discuss the various strategies to achieve MDG goal related to child morality
as most of the deaths in children are preventable. (100 words)
18. Discuss the highlights of the Rangarajan report on poverty and methodology recommended by the expert group for the estimation of the poverty. (200 words)
19. The United States of America has brought out the Special 301 Report for the year 2014 which classified India as a “Priority watch list country” , it is in challenge to Section 3(d) of the Indian Patent Act 1970 (as amended in 2005) which does not allow patent to be granted to inventions involving new forms of a known substance unless it differs significantly in properties with regard to efficacy. Discuss (200 words)
20. Ministry of Tourism has recognized films as a powerful tool for promotion of tourism destinations & locations and taken steps to promote Film Tourism. Discuss (200 words)
(a) Write short note on National Commission for Safai Karmacharis (NCSK) (100
(b) Write short note on National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) (100
22. What do you mean by Child Bullying on Internet ? Discuss the steps taken by the government to control this one. (200 words)
(a) Write short note on Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (100 words)
(b) Write short note on Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Yojana (100 words)
24. What do you mean by Green Bonds? What are the other measures of World Bank in combating with Climate Change? (200 words)
(a) Explore the linkages between land reforms and infrastructural development
in rural India. (100 words)
(b) What are the causes behind the declining wildlife in India? What are the
governmental measures taken so far in conserving wildlife in India ? (100 words)
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