(IAS PLANNER) Indian Forest Service (IFoS)
The Indian Forest Service (IFoS)
India has a vast natural resources. For the balanced and all round development of these resources vast machinery are also required. India has an area of 635,400 km to designated as forests, about 19.32 percent of the country. The Indian Forest Service( IFS) is the Forestry service of India. It is one of the three All India Services of the Government of India. It was created in 1966 for protection, conservation, and regeneration of forest resources. Selected candidates are sent for foundation training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration at Mussourie. This is followed by Forest Service-specific orientation at the Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy at Dehradun, with training on forest and wildlife management, soil conservation, surveying, Scheduled Tribes, and handling weapons.
After completing the academies, candidates go through a year of on-the-job field training in the state to which he or she is assigned. There is a probationary period three years during which they are posted as Assistant Conservators of Forests. On completion of this,and after a total period of four years of service in the junior scale, officers are appointed to the Senior Time Scale and are entitled to be posted as the Deputy Conservators of Forests or Divisional Forest Officers in charge of districts/forest divisions.
Ranks of the Indian Forest Service are as follows:
- Probationary Officer / Assistant Conservator of Forests
- Deputy Conservator of Forests
- Conservator of Forests (CFs)
- Chief Conservator of Forests (CCFs)
- Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Addl.PCCFs)
- Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) - highest post in a State
- Director General of Forests - highest post at Centre, selected from amongst the senior-most PCCFs of states.
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(आई. ए. एस. प्लैनर) भारतीय वन सेवा (Indian Forest Service)