(IAS Planner) Job Profile of Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS)
(IAS Planner) : Job Profile of Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS)
Overview :
Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS) was comtitutcci on 01.01.1967 for eircctivc and efficient administration of the Companies Act: The ICLS posts are spread over the offices of the Registrars of Companies, Official Liquidators, Regional Directors, Company Law Board (C113), Office of Serious Praud Investigation Organization (SITIO) and the Headquarters of MCA at Ncw Delhi. Till 2008, the recruitment of ICLS officers up to JAG level was through UPSC on the basis of an interview. However, in the year 2008, the lateral entry in the service was stopped and all the recruitment at the entry level was started through Civil Service Examination at Junior Time Scale(JTS) grade.
Recruitment :
At present there are two modes of recruitment to ICLS viz.
(i) ' Direct recruitment through Civil Services Examination conducted by UPSC every year.
(ii) Through promotion of Senior Technical Assistants / Company Prosecutor, etc. (Gr.B posts)
The ratio of Direct Recruitment and Promotion quota is 60% : 40%.
Training :
After recruitment, ICLS officers are put on induction training for a period of 10 months. The ICLS Academy, located in the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs(lICA), has the responsibility for conducting the induction training for the Probationary Officers (PO) belonging to the Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS)
Induction training for newly recruited ICLS officers is intended to familiarize them with the provisions of Companies Act, Limited Liability Partnership Act, other corporate laws, Indian Penal Codes, book keeping & accounts, etc. etc.
Functions of ICLS Officers :
ICLS officers broadly administer the Companies Act and Limited Liability Partnership Act and a few other allied acts. The officers have different toles in different offices and their functions broadly include the following -
(i) The ICLS officers when posted as Regional Director, becomes Administrative head of the Region (at present there are 7 regions in country). Further, the R.Ds exercise certain . statutory, powers and functions of the Central Govertunent delegated to them as per the Companies Act. Further, RD exercises administrative control over all the offices, the ROCs and OLs in the region.
(ii) As Registrar of Companies (ROC) under the Companies Act as well Limited Liability Partnership Act,.He exercises the power regarding registration and regulation of companies/Limited Liability Partnerships.
(iii) As Official Liquidator (OL) attached with different HC, he performs the statutory duties of liquidation / winding up of the companies which includes taking of possession of the properties of the companies in liquidation, realization of the assets and distribution of the assets of the company amongst the creditors, workmen, unsecured creditors and the contributories (EX-shareholders) of the Company etc.
(iv) The ICLS officers arc posted as Assistant Director/Deputy Director Director/Joint of Inspection and Investigation to conduct and supervise the inspection and investigation of the companies under relevant pibvision of the Companies Act.
(v) The ICLS officers are posted at the Headquaters of the ministry of discharge various functions such as farmiing of policies, rules/regulations notifications etc, issuing Notification and circulars impleinentation of and the e-governance in the Ministry, legel and court matters to examine inspection and investigation reports etc .etc.
Destination and Number of posts included in various grades of the Indian Corporate Law Service :
SL No | Existing Grade and Scale | Existing Designation | No of Post |
1. | Higher Administrative Crude (HAG) (Rs.67000-79000) | Director General of Corporate Affairs (DGCA) | 1 |
2. | Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) PB.4, Rs. 37400- 67000+Grade Pay Rs.10000) | 1. Regional Director 2. Director of Inspection and Investigation 3. Director |
10 |
3. | Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) PB-3 Rs. 15600-391001- Grade Pay Rs.7600) | 1. Registrar of Companies 2. Official Liquidator 3. 64 Joint Director 4. Secretary, Cornpruly Law Board |
64 |
4. | Senior time scale (STS) (PB-3, Rs.15600-39100- Orade Pay.Rs.6600) |
1. Registrar of Companies 2. Official Liquidator 3. Deputy Registrar of Companies 4. Deputy Official Liquidator 5. Deputy Director |
80 |
5. | Junior time scale (JTS) (PB-3, Rs.15600-39100- Orade Pay.Rs.6600) | 1. Reistrar of Companies 2. Official Liquidator 3. Registrar'of Companiesetun7 Official Liquidator 4. Assistant Registrar of Companies 5. Assistant Official Liquidator 6. Assistant Director 7. Bench Officer - Company Law Board |
137 |
Grand Total | 292 |
Procedures Governing Promotion :
Promotions take place after evaluating the performance on the basis of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports, vigilance clearance and scrutiny of overall record of the officer concerned by following laid down procedur.
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