(IAS Planner) : Job Profile of Indian Post & Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service Group ‘A’
(IAS Planner) : Job Profile of Indian Post & Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service Group ‘A’
Indian Post & Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service Group ‘A’ (IP&TAFS Gr. ‘A’) was constituted in 1973. This is an organized Accounts & Finance Service and caters to Department of Telecom & Department of Posts. IP&T AFS Gr.’A” carries with it a definite liability for posting in any part of India. Most of the posts are at Capital Cities.
The members of the service are recruited through Civil Service Examinations conducted by UPSC or by promotion from the feeder grade of Group ‘B’ of P&T Accounts and Finance Service.
Candidates appointed to the service through the Civil Service Examination shall be on probation for a period of two years and shall attend such Training and undergo such examination/tests as may be prescribed from time to time in various training centers as decided by the Cadre Controlling Authority. The indicative training for probationers is as follows:-
S.No |
Module |
Institution |
Duration |
1. |
Foundation Course |
DOPT designated institution |
16 days |
2. |
Professional Training Course |
National Institute of Finance Management, Faridabad |
44 weeks |
3. |
Department Training |
National Institute of Communication Finance, Ghitorni, New Delhi |
36 weeks |
Besides, the officers also undergo various Inservice as well as Mid Career Trainings from time to time so as to enhance their skills and personality.
(i) Assessment and Collection of License fee and Spectrum usage charges paid by Telecom Licencers.
(ii) Spectrum Auction.
(iii) Policy making in Department of Telecommunications and Department of Posts.
(iv) Financial Management of Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications.
(v) Internal Audit of Department of Telecommunications and Department of Posts.
(vi) Accounting of Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications.
(vii) Pension Management of DoT, DoP, BSNL and MTNL.
(viii) Human Resourse Development and Capacity Building of IP&TAFS, Gr.’A”.
The entry in the service is at Junior Time Scale in the pay-scale PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100+ Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/-) with further promotion up to the level of Junior Administrative Grade (NFSG) within span of 13 years of the service. At present the highest grade in the cadre is HAG+ in the scale of pay of Rs. 75500-80000. The hierarchy of the posts in the IP&T AFS, Gr.’A” their pay scale & minimum span of service for promotion is mentioned below:-
Sl. No. |
Name of the Post & Pay Scale |
The minimum qualifying service for promotion |
1 |
Junior Time Scale PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 +Grade Pay Rs. 5400 |
On initial Recruitment |
2 |
Senior Time Scale PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 6600 |
On completion of four years of approved service as on 1st January of the year |
3 |
Junior Administrative Grade PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay of Rs. 7600 |
On completion of 09 years of approved service as on 1st January of the year |
4 |
Selection Grade inJunior Administrative Grade PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000 + Grade Pay of Rs. 8700 |
Junior Administrative Grade officers who have entered into 13th year of service on 1st January of the year of examination |
5. |
Senior Administrative Grade PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000 + Grade Pay of Rs. 10000 |
On completion of 17 years of approved service with four year regular service in Junior Administrative Grade as on 1st January of the year |
6. |
Higher Administrative Grade Rs. 67000(annual increment @ 3%)-79000 |
Senior Administrative Grade Officers with three years of regular service in the Grade as on 1st January |
7. |
Higher Administrative Grade Rs. 75500--80000 |
Officers in Higher Administrative Grade or Senior Administrative Grade Officers with three years of regular service in the Grade as on 1st January |
IP&TAFS Gr.’A” officers cater to Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications. After successful completion of the probation period, the officer may be posted against vacant Junior Time Scale posts available at that time in various offices in these Departments. Most of these offices are situated in the State Capitals & UTs all over India with HQs at Delhi.
S.No |
Grade |
Department of Telecommunication |
Department of Posts |
HQ |
Field |
HQ |
Field |
1 |
Junior Time Scale |
Asstt. Chief Accounts Officer |
Asstt. Chief Accounts Officer |
Asstt. Chief Accounts Officer |
Asstt. Chief Accounts Officer |
2 |
Senior Time Scale |
Asstt.Director General |
Dy.Controller of Communicati on Accounts |
Asstt.Director General |
Deputy Director |
3 |
Junior Administrative Grade |
Director |
Jt. Controller of Communicati on Accounts |
Director |
Director |
4 |
Senior Administrative Grade |
Dy. Director General/ Jt.Administrat or |
Controller of Communicati on Accounts |
Dy. Director General/ General Manager |
General Manager |
5 |
Higher Administrative Grade |
Sr. Dy. Director General |
Pr. Controller of Communicati on Accounts |
-------- |
--------- |
6 |
Higher Administrative Grade+ |
Advisor (F) |
--------- |
-------- |
--------- |
Appointments to other Organizations/Bodies:
Besides IP&T AFS, Gr.’A” officers can be appointed on deputation to Central Government, State Governments, Central Staffing Scheme, Autonomous Organizations/ Subordinate Organizations, PSUs and UN Organizations/International Organizations like world Bank, Asian Development Bank in various capacities.
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