(IAS PLANNER) Strategy for Freshers
Strategy for Freshers
At one or another instance everyone has to be fresher. As a fresher one first of all go through the notification of the exam but must not be panic by seeing the columns and columns of syllabus. Here coaching centre or your seniors or any portal like us will help you out. They could show you the right path. However there will be instances when you will feel that you know nothing other knowing a lot it is the sign to get into the preparation as soon as possible otherwise you might be lead in the another path, a path of frustration. Trust me it is not matter of intellectual but just time, you might be fresher they might have background. During initial phase just concentrate in your self-study and make your concept clear.
There are several myths about the Civil Services Exam it is some sort of hype around the examination. But as a fresher try to ignore such myths. It is commonly seen that a fresher always starts with some “Suggested Reading” here we should take care about who has suggested you, it really matters a lot because the whole examination preparation will depend on it. The real foundation will build here. At many instances he starts his preparation on a high note and works hard in the beginning but gradually he feels exhausted and the momentum slows down. Here is the real problem one need to stop here and is to keep going. Aspirants should be result oriented rather than exam oriented. In some disciplines selective study is helpful but it has its limitation. Try not to take attempt as to check the pattern of examination as it won’t help you in anyways. It may keep you chasing the Civil service exam at your last attempt. Some aspirants have a funny idea that Civil Services can be cleared only in multiple attempts. Ignore all and take many examples who have cleared the exam in the very first attempt. Here are some suggestions for the freshers, firstly try to understand the whole exam and the very nature of the exam, keep yourself ready the preparation, believe strongly in yourself that you will clear the exam in the first attempt itself and never will compromise at any stage and if required at any time will work harder than ever before, the preparation should be started at least one year ahead of your first attempt, do not take your attempt unless you are confident of qualifying for the it all the way. Make your first attempt as your best one.
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