(IAS PLANNER) UPSC : Use of Internet
Union Public Services Commission
Use of Internet
We are in the era of internet revolution. A recent data shows that the broadband connectivity in India has been on the rising. It is one of the information hub make use of it as much as you can. Most of the aspirants has their own means of Information tools, those who don’t have can access through it from Internet Café. It is an ever-bulging ocean of information. All the important information is available on the Internet, even you can clear you doubts in this platform. Many important materials are available for instance, NCERT Books are now available on its net. India Year Book published by Indian Govt., Complete Budget and Economic Survey Book and Summary of all bilateral meetings are now available on the Internet. Wikipedia is one of one source of all information it is free and at some extent it is authentic as well.
Addresses of Some Useful Websites:
http://www.iasexamportal.com - For tips, Book list, suggestions, coaching information
http://www.pib.nic.in - For government current press notes
- http://www.upsc.gov.in - For all official information regarding the exam at any stage.
http://www.persmin.nic.in - Useful after selection
http://www.ncert.nic.in/textbooks/testing/Index.htm - To download all NCERT
www.goidirectory.nic.in - It connects to official websites of all Ministries and departments.
www.meaindia.nic.in - External Affairs Ministry website useful for India-World relations
www.indiacode.nic.in - Constitution of India, Central Acts, Supreme Court, etc.
www.indiabudget.nic.in - For latest budget and Economic Survey
http://publicationsdivision.nic.in - For latest India Year Book
Online Coaching for UPSC, IAS (Pre.) Exam
Printed Study Material for IAS (UPSC) 2018