(Download) IGNOU Notes : M.A (Anthropology)
(Download) IGNOU Notes : M.A (Anthropology)
- Subject : M.A (Anthropology)
- File Type : PDF
Social Anthropology
Introduction To Social Anthropology
- Introduction To Social Anthropology
- Relationship Of Social Anthropology With Allied Disciplines
- Philosophical And Historical Foundations Of Social Anthropology
- Social Anthropology- Nature And Scope
Society And Culture
- Society And Culture
- Social Change In Indian Context
- Social Identity And Movements
- Social Group
- Concept Of Society And Culture
Anthropological Theories – I
- Anthropological Theories-I
- Social Organisation And Dynamic Theories Ofstructure
- Functionalism, Structuralfunctionalism And Neofunctionalism
- Classical Theories
Anthropological Theories-II
- Anthropological Theories-II
- Feminism, Post-Modernism And Post-Colonialism
- Structuralism
- Marxism
- Culture And Personality
Kinship, Marriage And Family
- Kinship
- Marriage
- Family
- Kinship, Marriage And Family
- Kinship, Family And Marriage In India
- Descent And Alliance Theories
- Religion
- Religious Specialists
- Rituals And Symbolism
- Concepts And Approaches To The Study Of Religion (Evolutionary, Sychological, Unctional And Marxist)
Economic And Political Organisations
- Concepts And Definitions
- Economic And Political Organisations
- Political Power And Distribution Of Resources
- Production, Consumption And Exchange
- State And Stateless Societies – Political Institutions
Archaeological Anthropology
Definition And Scope
- Definition And Scope
- Interdisciplinary Relationsand Approaches
- History And Development
- Definitions And Scope
Archaeological Units
Geological Frame Work
Dating Methods
Palaeolithic Cultures
- Palaeolithic Cultures
- Palaeolithic Art
- Upper Palaeolithic Cultures
- Middle Palaeolithic Cultures
- Lower Palaeolithic Cultures
Mesolithic Cultures
Perspective on Tribes in India
- Tribe, Territory and Common Property Resources
- Tribe and Caste
- Elwin and Ghurye’s Perspectives on Tribes
- Social Differentiation among Tribes
- TRIBE-CASTE CONTINUUM of Dalits and Tribals
Tribes of India : Identity, Culture and Lore
Tribes of India
- Course Introduction
- Tribes and the ‘Others’
- Distribution of Indian Tribes, Groups and Sub-Groups – Causes of Variations
- Types of Tribes–Migrant, Hunting-Gathering, Cultivating
Tribes of India : Typology
Economic and Cultural Strategies of Survival
- Tribe as a Political Identity
- Cultural Strategy for Asserting Identity
- Seasonal Migration as a Strategy of Survival
- Tribes and the Forest
Tribal Cosmogenies
Society in India
Social Structure – Rural and Urban
- Urban Social Structure
- Patterns of Urbanisation
- Village and the Outside World
- Rural Social Structure
- Unity and Diversity
Family Marriage and Kinship
Economy and Polity
Social Organisation
- Zoroastrian Social Organisation
- Sikh Social Organization
- Muslim Social Organisation
- Christian Social Organisation
- Hindu Social Organisation
Caste and Class
- Backward Classes
- Class in India
- The Scheduled Castes
- Caste – Continuity and Change
- Caste Structure and Regional Patterns
Tribes in India
- Tribes and Modernisation in India
- Religion in Tribal Societies
- Tribes – Social Structure – I
- Tribes Social Structure-II
Women and Society
- Status of Women in India
- Women’s movements in India
- Women and Work
- Women and Education
- Contemporary Women’s Issues – Health and Legal Aspects
Social Change
- Ethnic Relations and Conflicts
- Social Movements
- Development Planning and Change
- Ecology and the Future of Society
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