(Papers) Kerala PSC : KAS MAINS Exam Papers 2020 (Part-2)
(Papers) Kerala PSC : KAS MAINS Exam Papers 2020 (Part-2)
- Total Number of Questions : 28
- Time : 2.00 Hours
- Max. Marks : 100
1. What are the grounds of reasonable restrictions to freedom of speech under Art. 19(2) of Constitution of India ? (3 Marks)
2. What are the characteristics of Quasi-Judicial functions ? (3 Marks)
3. Define judicial review and enumerate on which actions judicial review is applied. (3 Marks)
4. What are the effects of proclamation of 'Emergency"? (3 Marks)
5. What are the principles of Natural Justice ? (3 Marks)
6. Innovation is a buzz word in S & T field. Comment on the contribution of key Indian organizations/ institutes that have contributed to S & T innovation in our country. (3 Marks)
7. Briefly describe the scientific contribution of any prominent scientist/technologist in post-independent India. (3 Marks)
8. Artificial Intelligence is a cutting edge application of IT in current times. Briefly describe its popular application in day-to-day life, citing examples. (3 Marks)
9. "eGovernance is not merely use of information technology in enabling governance, but an effort to achieve good governance." Comment. (3 Marks)
10. In view of the Covid pandemic, what public health and community medicine initiatives would you suggest for prioritisation ? (3 Marks)
11. Brahmos is one of the fastest missile systems in the world. State its type and name the platform(s) from which it is launched by Indian Air Force and Indian Navy. (3 Marks)
12. Write a short note on India's Renewable Electricity Road Map - 2030 to decrease carbon emission footprint. (3 Marks)
13. Write briefly about India's coastline, the need for security and measures taken to maintain security along the coastline. (3 Marks)
14. Discuss briefly about the engine that is expected to power ISRO's major upcoming projects such as Unified Launch Vehicle and Reusable Launch Vehicle. (3 Marks)
15. Name any three products developed by Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (ERDE) of DRDO, with a brief one-line description. (3 Marks)
16. Write a brief note on India's contribution towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 13. (3 Marks)
17. In the context of climate change, explain hazard, exposure, vulnerability and resilience. (3 Marks)
18. Write a critical note on the lessons learned from Exxon-Valdez disaster. (3 Marks)
19. Comment on 'Sky Islands" in Western Ghats. (3 Marks)
20. Brief the principles of Green Chemistry. (3 Marks)
21. Examine the basic principles of India's foreign policy. (5 Marks)
22. Presidential form of Government for India is suitable or not? Give critical comment. (5 Marks)
23. Can the Parliament punish its own members for the breach of privilege ? What penalties can be imposed on members ? Discuss. (5 Marks)
24. Critically analyze the position of the Governor as provided under the Constitution of India. Also enumerate the Sarkaria Commission recommendations on the appointment of Governor (5 Marks)
25. "It is of paramount importance to ensure that the Election Commission of India (ECI) shall be fully insulated from political pressure as to maintain the purity of elections." In this context, discuss the need to have a relook at the independence of ECI. (5 Marks)
26. Discuss in brief the legislative relation between the Centre and State. Under what circumstances the Parliament can legislate on the matters enumerated in State list ? (5 Marks)
27. Enumerate atleast five duties under Art. 51-A of Constitution of India. (5 Marks)
28. What are the areas on which the education on child shall be directed to, as per the Convention on Rights of Child ? (5 Marks)
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