(Alert) UPSC will allow Application Withdrawal soon
UPSC will allow Application Withdrawal soon
Now Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will allow candidates withdrawal of applications from the examinations. The new proposal will be implemented with the Engineering Services Examination(IES) 2019. Later, other examinations like CSE etc will be brought under this arrangement.
How it works -
- In order to avail this facility, the candidate has to provide details of application.
- Separate One Time Password (OTP) will be sent on candidates registered mobile number and email-id.
- On successful completion of withdrawal of the application, a confirmation message will be sent on the email and also an SMS.
- Once the application has been withdrawn, it can't be revised.
Benefits of the newly introduced arrangement-
- UPSC has estimated that roughly 50% of the candidates, out of the registered ones, appear in the examination.
- The commission has to book venues, print papers, hire invigilators and ship the documents for all the applicants which turn out to be a waste of 50% energy and resources.
Other Reforms-
- UPSC has also brought an increasing number of exam-related interactions and transactions online. This will be an initiative introduced in order to reduce the stress for the candidates.
- UPSC is also looking forward with shifting from pen and paper mode of examination to the computer based mode.
- Additionally, the new system will also serve to cut down the time cycle for each examination.
Way forward-
- Bearing in mind the aspirations of the youth for better job opportunities, the commission is now disclosing the scores and rankings of the non-recommended candidates in some examinations on its website and further link it with "National Career Service portal" of the ministry of Labor and employment.
- Different central ministries and organizations can take advantage of this arrangement where in candidates who have been cleared a rigorous screening process in civil services, Engineering services or Combined Medical Examination, but could not find a place in the merit list due to constraints of vacancies, can now look forward to being picked up for other government , public sector or private sector jobs, from the same database.
- This measure will obviate the need for conducting of multiple and separate examinations by different organization for post with similar entry level qualifications.
- This will reduce the stress on young job aspirants and also the time taken for recruitment by various bodies.
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