Strategy for Public Administration Mains Examination 2014
Strategy for Public Administration Mains Examination 2014
A lot of questions will be asked from Administrative committees and commissions.
And 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission anyways seems all time favourite for
the UPSC.
(2) UPSC will increase number of questions this year in order to give edge to horizontal knowledge of an aware learner with better understanding to correlate General Studies and Public Administration.
(3) UPSC don't need subject experts with vertical knowledge. This is change of trend clearly visible in year 2013.
(4) Citizen charter has been a all time favourite topic of UPSC so better be through with it.
(5) There are always a directly or indirectly questions from Wilson, Riggs, Barnard, and Simon, be ready for it.
(6) The first two chapters hold almost 35% of the marks for paper I .
(7) Evolution of Indian Administration, Centre/state/district administration and significant issues in Indian administration- prepare all these chapter of Paper II thoroughly .
(8) Read book ‘Administrative Thinkers by Prasad and Prasad ‘ maximum number of times.
(9) If you have another available option then you can avoid question out of the chapter - Public Policy (P1).
(10) Always try to frame your answer from the key words of your question.
(11) On some of the questions, give your time for understanding what literal meaning it is conveying . This problem is not with all questions because some of the questions are very straight.
(12) Almost every year they provide a question on the relationship between Politics and Administration.
(13) Be ready with Ministry of Home Affairs & Ministry of finance.
(14) Other Expected Areas : Planning Commission, All India Services (Conduct) Rules 1968 Amended, Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan, Disaster Management w s r to Flood in J & K.
For Revision :
Revise those chapters of Paper I & II together which have some commonness and the one is continuity of other will be beneficial for you from the point of view of clarity and performance. e.g.
1. Introduction (P1)+ Administrative Thought (P1)+Administrative Behaviour
(P1)+ Comparative Public Administration(P1) + Development Dynamics(P1)
2. Organisations (P1)+ Evolution of Indian Administration(P2) + Philosophical
and Constitutional framework of government (P2) + Union Government and
Administration (P2) + State Government and Administration(P2)3. District
Administration since Independence(P2) + Rural Development (P2)+ Urban Local
4. Accountability and control (P1)+ Significant issues in Indian
5. Personnel Administration (P1)+ Civil Services(P2)
6. Financial Administration (P1)+ Public Sector Undertakings(P2) + Plans and
Priorities (P2)+ Financial Management(P2)
7. Techniques of Administrative Improvement(P1) + Administrative Reforms since
8. Administrative Law(P1)
9. Law and Order Administration(P2)
10. Public Policy(P1)
Note- P1 means Public Administration Paper I & P2 means Public Administration Paper 2
Best of Luck.
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