UPSC DAF Questions Format
UPSC DAF Questions Format
RID. :
Roll No. :
Name :
Email :
Mobile :
(a) Date of Birth
(b) Age Relaxation claimed
(a) Address for correspondence to which
communication is to be sent
Post Office:
State :
Pin Code :
(b) Telephone No. with STD Code
(c) Mobile No.
(d) Fax No.
(e) E-mail address
(f) Permanent Postal Address
3. Gender :
4. Marital Status :
5. Citizenship :
6. Mother tongue :
7. Place of Birth :
Study Material for IAS (UPSC) Pre: General Studies (Paper-1) + CSAT (Paper - 2)
IAS Mains General Studies Study Kit
(a) Community
Note 1: Candidate belonging to OBCs but coming in the 'Creamy Layer'
and thus not being entitled to OBC reservation should indicate their community
as 'General Category (others) Code No.4'.
Note 2: Candidates belonging to neither SC,ST nor OBC Communities should
write 'General' Category(Others) Code No.4' against the column of community and
not leave it blank.'.
Note 3: No change in the community status already indicate by a candidate
in his / her application form for this examination will ordinarily be allowed by
the commission.
Note 4: In case you are a 'SC, ST or OBC'(Non Creamy Layer) candidate,
upload a scanned copy of certificate in support of your claim.
Note 5: candidates belonging to OBC non creamy layer category will have
to fill OBC proforma online.
(c) Minority community
9. Whether you are a Physically Challenged Candidate (upload a scanned Certificate)
10. Choice of Centre for Examination
11.(i) (a) Do you hail from Arunachal Pradesh/ Manipur/Meghalaya/Mizoram/Nagaland/
Sikkim and are claiming exemption from appearing in INDIAN LANGUAGE FOR PAPER A?
(b)Indian Language for Paper A
(ii) Optional Subject for paper VI & VII
Note : If 'Yes' please upload HAILING FROM certificate by competent authority.
12. (a) Language Medium for Examination for Paper I to Paper VII (Essay,General Studies and for optional Subject as at (ii) of col.12 above)
Note : In case of candidates opting for literature in any of the Indian Language as optional subject for papers VI & VII , they would have to write these two papers (VI & VII) in the script specified for that particular language as given in Annexure IV of Instructions to candidate.
(b) Language Medium for Interview Test (i.e. para 27 of the Instructions) to Candidates)
13. (a) Name of Father
(b) Name of Mother
(c) Nationality of Father
(d) Nationality of Mother
(e) Father's present postal Address
(If deceased give last address)
Post Office:
State :
Pin Code :
(f) Mother's present postal Address
(If deceased give last address)
Post Office:
State :
Pin Code :
(g) Father's Profession:
(h) Mother's Profession:
(i) If your Father is in service,the post held by him (if retired, indicate the
post held by him at the time of his retirement)
(j) If your Mother is in service,the post held by her (if retired, indicate the
post held by her at the time of her retirement)
(k) Annual income of your Father
(l) Annual income of your Mother
(m) State to which your Father originally belongs
(n) District to which your Father originally belongs
(p) State to which your Mother originally belongs
(o) District to which your Mother originally belongs
14.1(a) Do you possess the prescribed Educational Qualification (Vide rule-7 of the rules of the examination). Please upload a scanned copy of the Certificate if answer is "YES"
(b) Do you have any basic Educational Qualification obtained from a foreign institution?
14.2 Educational Qualifications : Commencing with Matriculation or equivalent examination till Graduation:- (Please upload scanned copy of all Certificates/Degree)
Examination Passed | Class/ Division /Grade | Percentage of Marks(%) | CGPA | Year of Passing | Subject(s) | Name of School/College /Institution | Name of Board/University | |
Score | Out of | |||||||
10th or Equivalent | ||||||||
12th or Equivalent | ||||||||
Stream at Graduation Level | ||||||||
15. Were you ever Employed :
Details of your employment of any kind(in chronological order -till date):-
Designation/ Position | Monthly remuneration (Total) in Rs. | Whether Permanent/ Temporary/ Ad hoc etc. | Period | Name of employer/ Organisation/ Firm/Individual | Place of employment (Address) | |
From | To | |||||
16. Please give Particulars of:-
(a) Particulars of prizes,medals scholarships,etc.
(b) Team/Games/Sports/N.C.C./Hitchhiking/Mountaineering etc.
(c) Position(s) of distinction Leadership held in School/College
(d) Other extra curricular activities and interests (Such as hobbies etc.)
17. Having regard to answers given against columns 6,7,13,14.2 & 14.3 which is the State /Union Territory that you would claim as your home State/U.T. ?
18. In case you are considered for appointment to IAS/IPS ,your order of preference for various State cadres for which you would like to be considered.
State Cadres | Order of preference | |
IAS | IPS | |
AGMUT | 03 | 03 |
ANDHRA PRADESH | 15 | 15 |
BIHAR | 06 | 06 |
CHHATTISGARH | 04 | 04 |
GUJARAT | 11 | 11 |
HARYANA | 09 | 09 |
JAMMU & KASHMIR | 22 | 22 |
JHARKHAND | 07 | 07 |
KARNATAKA | 12 | 12 |
KERALA | 17 | 17 |
MADHYA PRADESH | 01 | 01 |
MAHARASHTRA | 10 | 10 |
MANIPUR | 25 | 25 |
NAGALAND | 26 | 26 |
ORISSA | 20 | 20 |
PUNJAB | 13 | 13 |
RAJASTHAN | 02 | 02 |
SIKKIM | 24 | 24 |
TAMILNADU | 21 | 21 |
TELANGANA | 14 | 14 |
TRIPURA | 23 | 23 |
UTTAR PRADESH | 05 | 05 |
UTTARAKHAND | 08 | 08 |
WEST BENGAL | 18 | 18 |
Note : It is clarified that as per the present scheme of things as envisaged by the Cadre Allocation Policy,2008,amended from time to time ,if a candidate appointed to the All India Services does not express his/her first preferences to his/her home cadre,he/she shall not be considered for his/her home cadre at all. The Candidates are therefore advised to excerise due diligence while filling up the above preferences.
19. Your order of preference against the Services/Posts given below , for which you would like to be considered for appointment.
Note 1 : It is clarified that the below order of services does not reflect their relative importance in the eyes of the Govt. and the candidates are advised to use their discretion while indicating preferences for various services.
Note 2: A candidate shall be required to mandatorily indicate order of preferences only for those services participating in the Civil Services Examination for the year, for which he is interested to be allocated to, in the application form for main examination.
Note 3: The services which are not required to be opted have been shown as 'NOT OPTED.'
S.N. | Name of Services/Post | Order of Preference |
1. | Indian Administrative Service | 01 |
2. | Indian Foreign Service | 02 |
3. | Indian Police Service | 03 |
4. | Indian P&T Accounts & Finance Service, Group "A" | 20 |
5. | Indian Audit & Accounts Service, Group "A" | 06 |
6. | Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise)Group "A" | 05 |
7. | Indian Defence Accounts Service ,Group "A" | 08 |
8. | Indian Revenue Service, (I.T.) Group "A" | 04 |
9. | Indian Ordance Factories Service,Group "A" (Asstt. Works Manager- Administration) | 19 |
10. | Indian Postal Service,Group "A" | 14 |
11. | Indian Civil Accounts Service ,Group "A" | 10 |
12. | Indian Railway Traffic Service,Group "A" | 07 |
13. | Indian Railway Accounts Service ,Group "A" | 09 |
14. | Indian Railway Personnel Service,Group "A" | 17 |
15. | Post of Asstt. Security Commissioner ,Group "A" in Railway Protection Force | 21 |
16. | Indian Defence Estates Service ,Group "A" | 13 |
17. | Indian Information Service ,(Junior Grade) Group "A" | 16 |
18. | Indian Trade Service,Group "A" (Grade III) | 18 |
19. | Indian Corporate Law Service ,Group "A" | 15 |
20. | Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service ,Group 'B'(Section Officers' Grade) | 22 |
21. | The Delhi ,Andaman and Nicobar Island,Lakshadweep,Daman&Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service,Group "B" | 11 |
22. | The Delhi ,Andaman and Nicobar Island,Lakshadweep,Daman&Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service,Group "B" | 12 |
23. | Pondicherry Civil Service, Group "B" | 23 |
24. | Pondicherry Police Service, Group "B" | 24 |
20. Have you ever been debarred by any Public Service Commission or SSC from any of their Examinations/Selections?
21. Whether you have selected or applied for U.P.S.C. Examination /Recruitment:-
22. How many times have you appeared at the Civil Services(P) Examination so far, including the current Examination held in August, 2016
23. Details of examination in which you have appeared including CS(P), 2016
Year | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2015 | 2016 |
Roll No. |
24. Have you ever accepted allocation to a Service/Post on the basis of Civil Services Examination held in earlier years?
27. Fee Payment Details (Subject to Verification) :-
Application No.
Fee Paid (in Rs.)
Agency Name
Mode of Payment
Details of Fee paid: Fee to be paid is Rs.200/- (Two hundred only) (Female/SC/ST/Physically challenged candidates are not required to pay any fee) Through online mode only.'
Candidates applying (excepting Female/SC/ST/PH candidates who are exempted from payment of fee) for Civil Services (Main) Examination are required to pay a fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash, or by using Net Banking facility of SBI/State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur/State Bank of Hyderabad/State Bank of Mysore/State Bank of Patiala/ State Bank of Travancore or by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit card.
N.B:-Central Recruitment Fee Stamp, Indian Postal Orders/ Bank Draft/ Money Order/ Crossed Cheque/ Treasury Challan/ Currency Notes/ Postage Revenue/ Court Fee Stamps etc. are not acceptable.
28. List of Enclosures to be uploaded by the candidate:-
--->Scanned Copy of the certificate of Age.
--->Scanned Copy of the certificate of educational qualifications (including a
copy of recognition letter/equivalence certificate from AIC/UGC, if applicable).
I, hereby declare that all statements and entries made in all the columns of this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowlege and belief. I have read rule 14 of the Rules of the Examination published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary dated 27th April, 2016 and understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect or ineligibility being detected before or after the examination, action can be taken against me by the Commission.
I further declare that I fullfill all the eligibility conditions regarding age limits, educational qualifications etc.prescribed for admission to the Examination. I have not exhausted the number of attempts admissible to me under the rule 4 of the said Rules of the Examination.
I have not withheld any information required as per this proforma.
I have read the rules and instructions carefully and I hereby undertaken to abide by them.
I have informed my Head of the Office/Department in writing that I have applied for this examination.
Signature of the Candidate
Place: Date:
Please give Particulars of:-
(a) Particulars of prizes,medals scholarships,etc.
(b) Team/Games/Sports/N.C.C. /Hitchhiking/Mountaineering etc.
(c) Position(s) of distinction Leadership held in School/College
(d) Other extra curricular activities and interests (Such as hobbies etc.)
Educational Qualifications : Commencing with Matriculation or equivalent examination till Graduation:-
Examination Passed | Class/ Division /Grade | Percentage of Marks(%) | CGPA | Year of Passing | Subject(s) | Name of School/College /Institution | Name of Board/University | |
Score | Out of | |||||||
10th or Equivalent | ||||||||
12th or Equivalent | ||||||||
Stream at Graduation Level | ||||||||
Employment Details:-
Examination Passed | Class/ Division /Grade | Percentage of Marks(%) | CGPA | Year of Passing | Subject(s) | Name of School/College /Institution | Name of Board/University | |
Score | Out of | |||||||
10th or Equivalent | ||||||||
12th or Equivalent | ||||||||
Stream at Graduation Level | ||||||||
Do you have any basic Educational Qualification obtained from a foreign institution?
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