Motor Vehicle Amendament Bill : Important Topics for UPSC Exams
Motor Vehicle Amendament Bill : Important Topics for UPSC Exams
Motor Vehicle Amendament Bill
- The Bill is aiming to amend the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988, and address issues around third party insurance, regulation of taxi aggregators, and road safety.
- It links driving licence and vehicle registration with Aadhaar-based platform. The move comes in the wake of de-duplication of licenses and registration of stolen vehicles.
- It has further introduced penalty of ₹10,000 for not providing way for emergency vehicles.
- It removes the cap on liability for third party insurance.
- It proposes to create a National Register for Driving Licence and a National Register for Vehicle registration through “Vahan” and “Sarathi” platforms. This is in order to smoothen the process of registration and licensing.
- It proposes alterations in vehicles, in order to make them suitable for specially-abled people.
- It provides for a Motor Vehicle Accident Fund, which would provide compulsory insurance cover to all road users in India for certain types of accidents.
- It provides for a National Road Safety Board, to be created by the Central Government through a notification. The Board will provide advice to the Central and State Governments on all aspects of road safety and traffic management...
- Contractors, consultants and civic agencies will be accountable for faulty design, construction or poor maintenance of roads leading to accidents. Those found guilty would be penalized up to Rs 1 lakh.
- A time limit of six months has been specified for an application of compensation to the Claims Tribunal with regard to road accidents.
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