Indian Forest Service (IFoS) Exam Results 2017
Press Information Bureau Government of India UPSC
Result of CS (P) Examination, 2017 for candidates who have qualified for
admission in Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2017.
On the basis of screening test held through C.S(P) Examination, 2017 on
18-6-2017, the candidates with the following Roll Numbers have qualified for
admission to the Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2017.
The candidature of these candidates is provisional. In accordance with the Rules
of the Examination, all these candidates have to apply again in the Detailed
Application Form (DAF) for IFoS (Main) Examination, 2017 which would be
available on the website of the Union Public Service Commission
All the qualified candidates are advised to fill up the DAF-IFoS make the
payment of Fee (Where applicable) as per the prescribed mode i.e. ONLINE and
submit the same ONLINE for admission to the Indian Forest Service (Main)
Examination, 2017 to be held from 3rd December 2017. The DAF will be available
on the Commission website from 07-09-2017 to 20-09-2017 till 06.00 PM. Important
instructions( regarding filling up of the DAF-IFoS and submitting the same
ONLINE to the Commission )would also be available on the website. The candidates
who have been declared successful have to first get themselves registered on the
relevant page of the website before filling up the ONLINE Detailed Application
Form. Candidates should submit their DAF ONLINE within the above said closing
date i.e. 20-09-2017 till 06.00 PM failing which their candidature will be
cancelled and they will not be issued E-Admit Card. The qualified candidates are
further advised to refer to the Rules of the Indian Forest Service (Main)
Examination, 2017, published in the gazette of India (Extraordinary) of Ministry
of Environment Forests and Climate Change dated 22-02-2017, which is also
available on the website of the Commission.
Click Here For Result