Global Investment and Enterprise Scene Today
Public policy, in any country, is influenced by global developments, so are public programmes. And understanding of this emerging scene is critical for policy making in India today. A dynamic mix of re-shorting, intra-regional trade and hubanomics, form the emerging global business model today. Large knowledge companies like Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon have created a technology wave competitive landscape, which forms the next evolution of the industrial revolution.
India’s industralisation perspective, since independence, has been focused on
a two-pronged approach: (1) providing employment opportunities; and (2) taking
such opportunities, to the extent possible,to the villages, as a regional
development tool. This kind of an approach has significantly contributed to the
growth of a large number of semi-urban centres that
provides a significant space of MSMEs in the country.
‘Make in India’ is a highly visible national campaign-mode initiative which
needs to be translated into action at two levels: First, there is need for
attracting large foreign and domestic investments.Secondly, these large
enterprises also need MSMEs for subcontracting linkages and service delivery. It
is important to have a prior knowledge of the MSMEs and their
capabilities, in order to foster such linkages.
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Challenges and Opportunities
There are both vertical and horizontal problems. On the one hand, the
aspirations of the people at the local level are a mix of co-operation and
conflict. While some of the aspirations such as local infrastructure are less
prone to conflicts, in the case of most of the goods and services produced,
there is a conflict of interests. Therefore, the term ‘development’ in the local
context, cannot be a ‘one-stitch-for all’. This demands a new approach to
defining and practicing ‘development’ is to ensure and maximize human welfare.
Even the concept of
‘welfare’ is not a uniform pack. Therefore,it is necessary to have concrete
steps on the following lines: (1) Placing man at the centre stage of
‘development’; and (2) Defining ‘welfare’ in relation to some bottom- line
Considering the emerging complexities of the economy, there is need for an integrated development approach on MSMEs. The various opportunities and critical constraints need to be pin-jointed. New research and evidences should lead to a review and restatement of existing policies, with a thrust on the following:
Political and Administrative Powers: Under the 56th amendment of the
constitution, village and small scale industries is a subject of the local
governments. In India’s bottom-heavy
industrial structure, a large number of small and tiny enterprises often located
in small towns and villages, contribute to the small enterprise output of the
country. This also implies that the breeding of entrepreneurship and shaping of
entrepreneurship resources in the country is a local phenomenon. However,
paradoxical enough, the local government are either ignorant, or are reluctant
to exercise their powers; or that these powers are usurped by the higher tires
of the government.
Capabilities: It is also important to understand, whether these lower tiers of government, and their administrative machinery are objectively, capable of exercising such powers. In the case of local economic development programs, and especially enterprise development programs, the current state of these capabilities need to be examined. The component that is often missing is advisory services at various stages of planning and education of an entrepreneurial activity (which is today lacing both at the local and state level). By the term ‘capability’, the priority should go to such services, rather than the array of administrative tires from the district down to the Panchayat level. In fact, it is necessary to have a coordinating and hand holding mechanism at the level of local governments.
Resources: Under the existing formula of resource sharing between the state governments and the local governments, the necessary resources for coordinating several of the base level promotion activities relating to enterprise development are available with the local governments. While some of the promotional activities being performed by the District industries Centres today can be handed over to the local governments, the corresponding funds also should flow along with that. This will also help to equip the local governments with the necessary financial resources.
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Courtesy: Yojana