(The Gist of Kurukshetra) Components of Organic Farming [APRIL-2018]
(The Gist of Kurukshetra) Components of Organic Farming
Components of Organic Farming
a) Crop and Soil Management: The system aims in enhancing the organic matter levels in soil to maintain the long term fertility of soil. in this component, we give stress in selection of variety, timely sowing, crop rotation, green manuring, intercropping with legumes, etc.
b) Nutrient Management: This is dealt with the use of organic materials such as farmyard manure, compost, vermicompost, crop residues, green manures, and cover crops. Crop rotation and biofertilizers are also included for their key role in nutrient cycling.
c) Plant Protection: Insects, pathogens, and other pests are controlled by primarily relying on crop rotations, natural predators, resistant varieties, diversity, and tillage. Thereafter, botanical, thermal, and chemical interventions are applied as a last resort under restricted conditions.
d) Livestock Management: Livestock are reared by keeping full attention to their evolutionary adaptations, behavioral needs, and welfare issues (nutrition, shelter, breeding, etc.).
e) Soil and Water Conservation: Runoff which erodes the soil can be prevented by contour cultivation, contour bunding, terracing, grassing the waterways, etc. In situ water conservation techniques like broad bed and furrow system, ridge and furrow system, inter-row water harvesting, inter-plot water harvesting, scooping, etc. can be adopted in dryland areas.
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Courtesy: Kurukshetra