1. Introduction :
Civil Services Examination is conducted in terms of the provisions of Civil Services Examination (CSE) Rules notified by Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government of India. Rule 21 of these rules provide that a candidate must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of his duties as an officer of the service. A candidate, who after such medical examination as the Central Government or the Appointing Authority, as the case may be, may prescribe, is found not to satisfy these requirements, will not be appointed. A candidate called for the Personality Test by the Commission is required to undergo medical examination. Thus Medical examination is one of the most important factors for allocation of service and therefore completion of medical examination expeditiously is essential for timely and smooth service allocation.
1.2. These regulations relating to the physical examinations of candidates are published for the convenience of candidates and to enable them to ascertain for themselves their possessing the required physical standard. These
regulations are also intended to provide guidelines to the medical examiners conducting the medical examination.
1.3. All kinds of notices and information relating to the medical exanimation would be posted on the dedicated web page of the DoPT and of the candidate concerned on the DoPT web site. The candidate is advised to check this
webpage frequently to get uptodate information on various matters related to medical examination for the CSE.
2. The Medical Examination shall be conducted by the Government in New Delhi in the hospitals as to be decided as per requirement. The decision of the Government regarding the date, venue and suitability of the Candidate for appointment to a service shall be final.
2.1. Designated Hospitals to conduct Medical Test would be conducted in viz. Safdarjung Hospital, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital, Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, Guru Teg Bahadur
Hospital, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hospital, B.R. Ambedkar Hospital, AIIMS, New Delhi, etc. The decision of the Government regarding the date, venue and suitability of the Candidate for appointment to a service shall be final.
2.2. Lady candidates may be examined in any of the above mentioned hospitals.
2.3. Candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability as per their application for Civil Services Preliminary Examination (CSPE) would be examined in any of the above Hospitals mentioned Hospitals (para 2.1)
2.4. Candidates requiring Appellate Specialized Medical Board for eye conditions may be sent to Guru Nanak Eye Centre, New Delhi.
3. General Guidelines for all Candidates
3.1. Candidates will be intimated to present themselves before the Central Standing Medical Board (CSMB) constituted for the purpose of conducting medical examination for determination of his/her mental and physical status
and on the basis of this determination a candidate will be recommended as fit/unfit for all services or temporarily unfit or unfit for technical services. The following instructions are to be kept in mind by the candidate while approaching the CSMB:
3.1.1. Before approaching the CSMB for medical examination, candidates are expected to prepare themselves well in advance to avoid any adverse consequences as per instructions detailed below:
a. Candidate should come fasting for 10 hours or more on the day of Medical Examination.
b. Candidate should come without taking any medicine on the day of Medical Examination.
c. Candidate should bring along the spectacles, if any, being used by him/her along with the prescription for the same.
d. Candidate using Contact Lenses should stop using them at least 48 hours before the day of medical examination.
e. Candidate should bring along Hearing Aid, if any, being used by him/her and its latest audiometry report.
f. Candidate belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability category is advised to bring along the appliances being used by him/her for his/her disability.
g. Candidate should bring along prescription for any kind of medicine being taken by him/her on regular basis.
h. Candidate should bring along records of any surgical procedure he/she has undergone in the past.
i. Candidate should bring along the ‘Disability Certificate’, if any, issued to him/her by any Disability Medical Board in the past.
j. Any other relevant record a candidate may like to bring to the notice of the Central Standing Medical Board.
k. The candidate will be required to make a statement as per format provided at para-18 prior to his/her Medical Examination and must sign the Declaration appended thereto.
l. Candidate should submit to the Chairman of the Medical Board ten passport size photographs with white background
3.1.2. Candidate is expected to participate and cooperate with the procedure of medical examination as advised by the medical examiner during the course of his/her physical examination. If advised by the medical examiner, he/she has to present himself/herself before any other Medical Board on a given time and date. Leaving the medical examination incomplete would render the candidate liable for cancellation of his/her candidature. The candidate should leave the medical examination only after obtaining a relieving letter in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) to be issued by the Chairman, CSMB or his authorised representative and is required to keep this in his/her possession as a proof of his/her completing the Medical Examination.
3.1.3. A candidate’s medical examination report along with the recommendations is also to be published in the dedicated webpage of the candidate which is accessible only to the candidate concerned through his/her password on DoPT’s website within 7 (seven) working days from the date of receipt of medical reports from the hospital to DoPT.
3.1.4. In case of dissatisfaction/disagreement with the report of the medical examination/medical test and its recommendations, the candidate may prefer an appeal to DoPT online to reach DOPT within 7 (seven) working days
from the date of publication of his/her medical report on the website. Candidate filing an appeal against the decision of the CSMB may, if he/she likes enclose medical certificate in support of his/her claim of being fit through his
registerd email. The Medical Examination by the Appellate Medical Board would be arranged at Delhi only and no travelling allowance or daily allowance or any allowance for lodging or boarding etc., will be admissible for the
journeys performed in connection with the medical examination etc. No fee will be charged for filing an appeal against the findings of the CSMB.
3.1.5. Candidate filing an appeal will be assigned an Appellate Medical Board by the DoPT and he /she will have to present him/her before this Board on the date and time indicated in the notice for the same which will be uploaded in the website on the dedicated page for the candidate concerned. No separate notice by post or mail would be sent. Failure to appear before the Appellate Medical Board on the appointed day would amount to forfeiture of the opportunity of appeal for the candidate and as a consequence the recommendation of CSMB would be final. The recommendation of this Appellate Medical Board would be final and no appeal would lie against the opinion of this Appellate Medical Board.
3.1.6. As at 3.1.3 above, a candidate’s appellate medical examination report along with the recommendations could be made available to the candidate after the medical examination is also to be published in the dedicated webpage which is accessible only to the candidate concerned through his/her password on DoPT’s website within 7 (seven) working days from the date of receipt of his/her medical reports from the hospital to DoPT.
4. General Guidelines for Persons with Benchmark Disability category Physical and mental standards essential for various posts under civil services in case of candidate with physical/mental infirmity are governed by the notifications under RPwD Act, 2016 by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The following guidelines may be kept in mind by a candidate belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability category:
(i) A Candidate would be eligible to apply against services reserved for PwBD category who suffers permanently from not less than 40 percent of relevant benchmark disability. A candidate who wants to avail the benefit of reservation would have to apply in the prescribed format (Annexure-II) to the competent authority for issue of a ‘Certificate of Disability’ as per the procedure mentioned in Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017 and
related guidelines of the Government amended from time to time. A candidate holding such a certificate of disability would be eligible to apply for Preliminary Examination under CSE, 2019.
(ii) Candidates holding a certificate of disability issued by a competent authority would be advised to present themselves before the Central Standing Medical Boards(CSMB) of the hospital to be decided by Government for
their medical examination under these Regulations.
(iii) The Medical Board shall, after due examination, give a permanent certificate of disability in cases of permanent disability. A candidate’s medical examination report along with the recommendations could be made available to
the candidate after the medical examination which is also to be published in the dedicated webpage which is accessible only to the candidate concerned through his/her password on DoPT’s website within 7 (seven)
working days from the date of receipt of his/her medical reports from the hospital.
(iv) No refusal of ‘Certificate of Disability’ shall be made unless an opportunity of ‘being heard’ is given to the candidate. On representation by the Person with Benchmark Disability applicant, the CSMB concerned may review its decision having regard to all the facts and circumstances of the case and pass such orders in the matter as it thinks fit.
(v) In case of dissatisfaction/disagreement with the report of the medical examination/medical test and its recommendations, the candidate may prefer an appeal to DoPT online to reach DoPT within 7 (seven) working
days from the date of publication of his/her medical report in the website. Candidates filing an appeal against the decision of the CSMB may, if they like enclose medical certificate in support of their claim of being fit, may send
this certificate through registerd email. The Medical Examination by the Appellate Medical Board would be arranged at Delhi only and no travelling allowance or daily allowance or any kind of Boarding or Lodging allowance, etc. will be admissible for the journeys performed in connection with the medical examination. No fee will be charged for filing an appeal against the findings of the CSMB.
(vi) Candidate filing an appeal will be assigned an Appellate Disability Medical Board by the DoPT and he /she will have to present him/her before this Board on the date and time indicated in the notice for the same which will be
uploaded in the website on the dedicated page for the candidate concerned. No separate notice by post would be sent. Failure to appear before the Appellate Disability Medical Board on the appointed day would amount to forfeiture of the opportunity of appeal for the candidate and as a consequence the recommendation of CSMB would be final. The recommendation of this Appellate Disability Medical Board would be final and no appeal would lie against the opinion of this Appellate Disability Medical Board.