(GIST OF YOJANA) Tracking Schemes through GIS [JULY-2019]
(GIST OF YOJANA) Tracking Schemes through GIS
Tracking Schemes through GIS
- Location based information is a vital aspect of a digital economy not only to plan and monitor the developmental programmes but also to manage transparent, efficient and effective delivery of citizen-centric services.
- The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) as a decision support system
for developmental planning is a critical
the Central and the State Government
Departments across the country. - The key features of NCoG may be summarised through the following:
- 1:5000 Basemap.
- Open Source and in-house development - This results in cost saving as there is no use of any proprietary' software.
- Integration of technologies (including web,mobile,GIS,GPS, image processing, mathematical models).
- Compatibility with multi-purpose geo- datasets.
- Dynamic Query- Logical & Boolean operations based query models. This facilitates in generation of customized reports and advanced analytical dashboards.
- Training - Two-way capacity building.
- Authentication-The representation of data on GIS platform is authenticated by the user/owner department/agency itself.
- Acceptability, affordability and adoptability by the user departments through integration of technology.
- A solution-based approach, keeping in view the user’s requirements.
Key NCoG Projects Aspirational Districts
- The objective of this project is GIS based planning application for 117 aspirational Districts management, monitoring the progress of key socio-economic indicators and to reduce regional disparity.
- Some of the key sectoral information available in the portal includes Topography, Demography, Census based amenities, Education, Energy, Financial, Health & Nutrition, Forest data. Infrastructure, Water
- Resources and Animal Husbandry etc.
- Industrial Information System (IIS)
- GIS mapping of Industrial Parks, estates, clusters, areas, zones under the National Plan for Manufacturing Clusters for DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
- Details of transport, urban infrastructure, agriculture and horticulture aid decision- making in the establishment of new infrastructure and optimizing the use of existing infrastructure.
Mining Surveillance System (MSS)
- The aim of the MSS web based portal and mobile applications (for both officials and citizens) is to curb illegal mining through automatic remote sensing detection.
- Khasra maps of the mining leases were geo-referenced and superimposed on the satellite imagery, which checks a region of 500 meters buffer around lease boundary for any unusual activity.
- Any discrepancy is ffagged-off as a trigger using manual and automated satellite image analysis. A mobile app is available to facilitate the visit of field level officers for apply for incentives online, track their application and receive status related notifications. The applicant receives timely updates at every level of the process and once the application is approved by the competent authority, i.e. Central level (DPIIT), the applicant receives a registration certificate digitally.
- Various claim forms (including Capital, Interest, Insurance, Transport) have been developed to ensure complete processing of claims online with minimal information to be filled.
- The future roadmap of this portal entails mobile-basedground truthing and monitoring ofindustries, which have received subsidies under these schemes. Social Benefits Management System (SBMS)
- An online platform (web based application) developed for Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, SBMS manages the disbursement of benefits to Schedule Castes/Backward Classes/ Safai Karamchari applicants.
- SBMS web portal was launched on 27 February, 2019 by Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment.
- It has been implemented to facilitate efficient management of both Bank Linked Schemes (where Ministry transfers funds to states for subsidy) and NonBank Linked Schemes (where all three apex corporations are involved i.e. NSFDC, NBCFDC and NSKFDC).
- One of the key features of this system is beneficiary engagement with facility of transparent and seamless electronic services. The beneficiary can apply online, track his application, get notified (on SMS as well as on his system), edit details, provide clarifications and get the interview scheduled through this online platform.
- District level officers, State level officers and Central users (Ministry and Apex Corporations) have their own dashboards and reports, enabling them to evaluate, monitor and respond to the applications efficiently.
- Geographic Indications of India (GIs) Mapping and promotion of GIs of India, mapping of all registered users of GIs to be tabbed under this project.
- First ever GIS mapping of 3,000 registered sellers of GIs of India was initiated under the project.
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Delhi Police One Touch Away App
- Registered GIs of India are already mapped. Information about all GIs process of manufacturing, origin, cultural significance is available digitally.
- Data related to GI- Name, Description, History, Uniqueness, Production Process, Geographic origin etc., is also available on the portal.
- Canal Mapping and Cropped Area Monitoring, Waterbody Monitoring.
- Mapping of all live and ongoing canal projects of the Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP), Surface Minor Projects and under Repair, Renovation and Restoration (RRR) projects is supported.
- 106 AIBP projects have been mapped ensuring transparency in impact analysis, efficient monitoring of project progress and cropped area analysis completed for the years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
- Over 200 water bodies under RRR mapped to enable real-time and effective action. This is facilitated through authentic status of water bodies and efficient monitoring of the project progress. Delhi Police
- Development of mobile apps for survey / data collection for dark spot analysis and development of a single mobile platform to host all 40+ Delhi Police services for citizens and Police personnel is covered under the project.
- Mobile App for Delhi Police and NDMC allows citizens to plot the dark spots in Delhi and enables
- Delhi Police to update the status of poles (not operational/ partially operational), seamless integration with NDMC-311 application, and creating tasks for Junior Engineers, Assistant Engineers for taking action against inoperative light poles and real-time navigation for police vehicles.
- Integration of 40 services on a single mobile app has been achieved with this mobile app.
- The mobile app also supports for SOS Call facility which shares user details along with their location with emergency contacts and Delhi Police for quick action. All 200+ police stations of Delhi Police have been already mapped and navigation to the nearest Jurisdictional Police Station feature is also incorporated in the application. This mobile app is planned to be launched soon.
Coal Mine Surveillance and Management System (CMSMS)
- CMSMS web portal developed for Ministry of Coal aims to make use of automatic remote sensing to curb illegal mining of coal and facilitate real-time tracking and monitoring.
- Some key achievements of this project include ‘Khanan Prahari' mobile app, which was launched for reporting of illegal coal mining by citizens.
- Through this application, 104 cases have been reported by citizens; of which 12 illegal mining cases were confirmed and FIR was filed in three cases. Also, 869 coal blocks (100 per cent) have been mapped under the project.
Way forward
- The NCoG platform has been working on other important projects including Government Land Information System, National Mission for Cultural Mapping, School Information System, Solid Waste Disposal and Management System, Internal Management System for Security Agencies and Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakaram (RBSK) among many others.
- In addition, theGovernment is also working on leveraging and integrating emerging technologies such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning,Internet ofThings (IoT), Big DataAnalytics with GIS to give further boost to developmental planning, foster citizen-centric service delivery and good governance.
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