Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak and its effect on UPSC IAS Exams 2020 Dates
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak and its effect on UPSC IAS Exams 2020 Dates
NEW! UPSC Exams Postponed Dates Calendar due to Corona Virus
Dear Aspirants,
Due to deadly Coronavirus outbreak, many UPSC aspirants are worrying about the UPSC preliminary examination 2020 and 2021. According to the UPSC calendar the preliminary examination will be conducted on 31st May 2020.
Recently UPSC has deferred the personality test (Interview) for some candidates who have cleared the main examination, which was conducted in 2019. The first phase of personality test was conducted from 17th February which has completed already. But, the next phase of personality test is to be held between 23rd March to 3rd April for the remaining candidates. Due to sudden Coronavirus virus outbreak and its pandemic effect, the UPSC has taken the fruitful decision in the favour of the candidates to postponed the exam.
Hence UPSC Final results for 2019 is also expected to be delayed. however there is no official communication so far from UPSC or PIB.
The official notice released by UPSC reads:
“Due to the prevailing conditions caused by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), as a precautionary measure, the Personality Tests (Interviews) of the candidates of the Civil Services (Main) Exam 2019 scheduled from 23rd March, 2020 to 3rd April, 2020 are deferred till further orders. New dates for the Personality Tests (Interviews) will be informed to the candidates in due course of time.”
However, 2020 preliminary examination is yet to be held at May 31 2020. Hope all the pandemic situation will become normal in few weeks.
Therefore, the candidates have advised to do not worry about the delaying of the examinations process.
Remember despite the Chennai floods in 2015, the UPSC main examinations didn’t postponed.
By analysing all the circumstances IF UPSC delays the preliminary examination process of 2020, aspirants will get more time for the exam which they can devote to their preparations.
Lets focus on studies and wait for official communication from UPSC instead of speculating.
Best of Luck!
NEW! UPSC Exams Postponed Dates Calendar due to Corona Virus
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