UPSC Mains Law Paper Topic : Principles of Natural Justice
- “True our Constitution has no ‘due process’ clause but after Maneka
Gandhi’s case the consequence is the same.” Discuss. (97/I/3b/30)
- Justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly
be seem to be done. Comment. (99/I/1c/20)
- Except in cases where the requirement has been dispensed with expressly
or by necessary implication an administrative authority exercising judicial
or quasijudicial functions is required to record the reasons for its
decisions. Examine and discuss whether administrative authority must record
reasons for its decision when performing administrative function.
- Illustrate the doctrine of ‘Nemo judex in causa sua’ (no one should be a
judge in his own cause) as an effective rule of natural justice.
- “Bias vitiates all judicial and quasijudicial proceedings.” Comment on
this statement and give two examples to illustrate the principle.
- “The concept of natural justice is elastic and is not susceptible to
precise definition.” Do you agree with this statement?,Explain the concept
of natural justice with the help of case-law. (06/I/1d/20)
- “There is still a controversy whether Reasoned Decisions’ comprise a
third pillar of natural justice.” Do you agree with this statement? Discuss
with reference to recent case laws. (09/I/1b/20)
- “Ehlr veterinary og lse id important in India, it cannot be at the cost
of justice.” Critically examine this statement in the context of ‘curative
petition’ in India and also refer to relenant case-law (10/I/1c/20)