Current Public Administration Magazine (AUGUST 2020)
Sample Material of Current Public Administration Magazine
1. Accountability and Responsibility
Dog feeding without accountability
Despite being the key authority for implementing the Animal Birth Control (dog) rules, the Animal Welfare Board of India has avoided taking any responsibility for the rising number of dog bites, rabies deaths and unregulated dog feeding, by blaming the municipalities. It is pertinent to note that it is the statutory, civic duty of municipal corporations under the state municipal acts to keep the streets of straying animals, check the spread of diseases and prevent public nuisance. This is the very bedrock of local governance and cannot change. Absurdly, under the ABC rules, municipalities are instead being forced to leave unowned dogs outside people‟s homes and on the streets — the exact opposite of the WHO guidelines for dog population management.
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2. Indian Government and Politics
NEP 2020
One thing struck me as a major difference between the new National Education Policy and its predecessor. The previous policy, National Policy on Education 1986/1992, presented itself as an attempt to consolidate and build on all the earlier efforts, particularly NPE 1968. The new policy, NEP 2020, on the other hand, is very keen to establish that it is different (even in its name!) from everything of the past
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