(Success Story) UPSC 2022 TOPPER, AIR-20 P. Srija On Cracking UPSC Exams
(Success Story) UPSC 2022 TOPPER, AIR-20 P. Srija On Cracking UPSC Exams
Dr. P. Srija, a medico from Telengana, secured the coveted all-India rank of 20 in the Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Examination 2020. She completed her MBBS degree from Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, and 2020 was her first-ever attempt at the Civil Services Exam. Her optional subject was Medical Science as well and she scored 298 out of 500 in it. She had only started her serious preparation for this exam after her internship ended in 2019, which makes her journey all the more impressive. Here we share Srija’s top tips to crack UPSC Civil Services Exam.
P Srija’s Pragmatic Tips For Cracking UPSC CSE
Let Go Of Idealism
The amount of effort that goes into preparing just the core material for UPSC in itself is immense. You cannot and will not be able to complete it all if you rely on doing things perfectly. You do not need to make notes on every point. Your notes need not be immaculately arranged. You cannot follow an exact routine every day. Setting these kinds of ideal goals is setting yourself up for failure by demotivating yourself. Instead, strive for consistency and slow but steady progress. You will see long-term gains.
You Will Never Be Completely Ready For UPSC
There is no such thing as completing the UPSC SYLLABUS when it comes to UPSC. There is no end to the depth in which each topic can be covered. Instead, aim for completing most of the syllabus, touching on topics that UPSC dwells heavily on, and ensure you have completed at least 80% of the syllabus. Continuous revision of what you have already learned is the key to success here.
Number Of Attempts Do Not Matter As Long As You Learn From Them
Some clear UPSC in their very first attempt. Some take all their attempts to make it. Each success is valued equally. Look at a failed attempt as an opportunity to learn what went wrong and how to better your next attempt. For example, if the reason you think you could not make the cut was that your optional scores were too low, work on your optional even more. However, make sure you are not neglecting sections of the syllabus you are already good at in the process. That can further affect your performance.
Answer Writing Is Not For Absolute Beginners
Remember, nobody starts this journey knowing everything. Chances are that most candidates are starting as blank slates in most areas of the syllabus. So do not try to start writing answers from day 1. Knowing the structure of the answer, knowing that you need an introduction, a body, and a conclusion is not enough. You have to fill the pages. Nobody can do that without at least some knowledge and analytical understanding of the topic at hand. You will only end up wasting hours of the day writing half-baked answers and making no progress.
Choose your strategy wisely and be consistent.
You will surely succeed. All the best!
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