(THE GIST OF PIB) New India Literacy Programme (NILP)

(THE GIST OF PIB) New India Literacy Programme (NILP)


New India Literacy Programme (NILP)

In a letter to all States, the Union Ministry of Education has defined ‘literacy,’ and what it means to achieve ‘full literacy,’ in the light of the renewed push for adult literacy under the New India Literacy Programme (NILP).

About New India Literacy Programme (NILP):

It aims to support the States and Union Territories in promoting literacy among non-literates in the age group of 15 and above.

It is a centrally sponsored scheme with a financial outlay of Rs.1037.90 crore for implementation during FYs 2022-23 to 2026-27.

It aims to onboard one crore learners per year above 15 years across all States and Union Territories.

The scheme has five components, namely;

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy,

Critical Life Skills: These include financial literacy, digital literacy, legal literacy, healthcare and awareness, childcare and education, family welfare, etc.

Basic Education: It includes preparatory (classes 3-5), middle (classes 6-8), and secondary stage (classes 9-12) equivalency.

Vocational Skills: Skill development will be a part of the continuous learning process for neo-literates to obtain local employment.

Continuing Education: It includes engaging in holistic adult education courses in arts, sciences, technology, culture, sports, recreation, as well as other topics of interest or use to local learners.



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Courtesy: PIB