IASEXAMPORTAL.COM Open Essay Competition "July 2014" Demographic dividend of India: a debate
IASEXAMPORTAL.COM Open Essay Competition
IASEXAMPORTAL.COM presents the First Open Essay Competition, for the Civil Services Aspirants. Today, an important part of the strategy for civil services examination is- to develop a good writing habit. Having a good understanding of the syllabus might not help you as long as you do not have a good writing skill. Thus, with an intention to help the aspirants in improving their writing skills, IASEXAMPORTAL.COM presents ‘Open Essay Competition’ for the very first time.
Any candidate may enroll for this essay competition. Besides the opportunity to improve yourself, there is also an opportunity to win good prizes, and also get your name on a special page dedicated to the competition, on our site.
Topic for July 2014
- Demographic dividend of
India: a debate
- भारत का जनसांख्यिकीय लाभांश: एक बहस
Word Limit- 2000 words.
Last Date of Submission-July 30, 2014.
- No Fee , anybody can send entries.
- Available , to everyone, irrespective of Age or Qualification;
- Attractive Prizes for the Top Entry of the month- Certificate of Appreciation + THE GIST of The Hindu, Yojana, Kurukshetra, PIB & Science Reporter (Pdf Copy).
- Consolation Prize for the Next 5 Top Entries- THE GIST of The Hindu, Yojana, Kurukshetra, PIB & Science Reporter (Pdf Copy);
- Evaluation of the Essays by an Expert Team;
- Online Page dedicated to the participants. The Top performers’ name and their photo(Optional) to be featured on our site. (Anonymous entries also accepted)
- Send your essay either through e-Mail to upscportal@gmail.com or Post.
- Every month, IASEXAMPORTAL.COM will give a topic, on which the participants would have to write an essay in about 2000 words.
- Essay Entries have to be sent in the stipulated time period. Late entries would not be considered.
- The decision of our Expert team would be final.
- Purely 'copy-paste' material would be rejected outrightly.
- Entries might be sent in English or Hindi only.
- Results will be declared within four weeks of the end of submission date.
- You can send us essays in word file, pdf file or scanned copies. Hard copies may be sent through courier to our postal address.
As an expression of our Goodwill, we have not kept any participation fee for the competition. Thus, it is a golden opportunity for the candidates to work on their skills, while also getting recognition for the same.
We Wish the Candidates All the Best!!!
To Enroll You can send Your Essay via Email also to: upscportal@gmail.com
You may send your entries through e-mail or Post. (Click here for Our Postal Address)