Public Administration Papers Topic : Financial Management

Public Administration Papers Topic : Financial Management

  • "Parliamentary Departmental Committees have played their role effectively in analysing the demands for grants." Evaluate.(20 marks 2007)
  • Examine the role of the Finance Ministry of the Union Government in designing and implementing monetary and fiscal policies.(30 marks 2009)
  • "Audit, like the judiciary, the executive and the legislature is one of the important ingredients of democracy." Comment.(20 marks 2006)
  • "Audit provides a healthy safeguard against public money going down the drain." Comment. (30 marks 2005)
  • Comment on the following statement: "The Comptroller and Auditor - General (CAG) of India is a prosecutor with a law that hobbles its functioning, a judge without the power to sentence and a litigant with no right to appeal." (30 marks 2011)
  • What is output-based performance budgeting System ? Analyse this system in the context of India. (15 marks 2012)
  • 'The Budget is more than the economic horoscope of the nation '. Comment. (20 marks 2008)
  • 'Questions represent a  powerful technique of parliamentary control over expenditure.' Explain.(12 marks 2012)
  • The optimism expressed by the proponents o f the Financial Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003, in ensuring fiscal discipline appears to be unwarranted. Comment.(20 marks 2012)
  • “Performance budgeting failed because it was applied to sectors/programmes where quantitative evaluation was not feasible.” Examine the principles underlying performance budgeting techniques. (10 marks 2013)
  • “According is the essence of producing promptly and clearly the facts relating to financial condition and operations that are required as a basis of management.” Substantiate the statement in the context of accounting methods and techniques in government. (In about 250 words) (10 marks 2013) 
  • Justify the constructional provision to treat certain expenditure as charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India. (In about 150 words)(10 marks 2013)
  • Discuss the changes in powers of the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India (CAG) following a recent Supreme Court judgement in a case concerning a private service provider. (10 marks 2014)
  • Parliamentary Committees bring about accountability in public expenditure. Discuss.(10 marks 2014)
  • “Social auditing of flagship programmes of the Central government facilitates the performance of the Comptroller and Auditor-General.” Elaborate the statement with appropriate examples.(20 marks 2014)
  • Explain how budget can be used as a political instrument .(10 marks 2015)
  • Justify the budgetary support to nationalized banks to overcome the crisis resulting out of Non- Performing Assets (NPA). (10 marks 2016)
  • What merits do you foresee in the proposed merger of the Railway Budget with the General Budget? (10 marks 2016)
  • “The initiative of the Income Tax Department on disclosure of black money has had a mixed response.” Give suggestions for tackling this complex problem. (10 marks 2016)
  • Do you agree that Seventh Pay Commission’s recommendations do not reflect and correlate the need for civil service reforms and accountability with pay increase? Justify your answer. (20 marks 2016)
  • “The office of Comptroller General of Accounts (CGA) is expected to strengthen public financial management in India”. Discuss its mandate. (10 marks 2017)
  • “Financial inclusion needs legal backing but it also requires increasing awareness for it to become a reality.” Discuss(10 marks 2018)
  • "Gender budgeting requires rethinking beyond allocations to become a powerful tool of gender mainstreaming." Discuss.  (10 marks 2018)
  • "Performance management requires identification of indicators and measures to ensure that goals are achieved efficiently." Discuss. (10 marks 2018)
  • Performance grants devolved by the Finance Commission of India have increased the Financial accountability of the local bodies. Elaborate. (10 Marks 2019)
  • The strategy to deal with the non-performing assets of banks may lead to overburdened taxpayers. Examine the role of the government to protect the interests of both. (10 Marks 2019)
  • Budget is an indicator of financial health of a polity which is reflected in the statement of income and expenditure. Discuss. (10 Marks 2020)
  • The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India stands on the pillar of autonomy. Discuss the major lacunae in the functioning of this constitutional body and also suggest measures for its strengthening.(20 Marks 2020)


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