Public Administration Mains 2020 : Solved Paper-1 (Question: 4)
Public Administration Mains 2020 : Solved Paper Question Paper-1 (Question-4)
Q4.(a) "Developments in the field of Administrative Law reflect an increasingly blurred boundary between the state and society, and between justice and administration." Has administrative law become more constitutional than the Constitution itself? Argue
(b) The content and process theories of motivation have the same focus but are different in approaches." Do you agree? Give reasons.
(c) Thrust on the citizen centricity and Right based approaches, aim to empower the citizens. In the light of the above, has the administrative accountability improved ? Justify your argument
Delivering services to citizens is at the heart of what most government agencies do. Services are therefore critical in shaping trust in and perceptions of the public sector. Citizens today expect more transparent, accessible, and responsive services from the public sector in lieu of making payment to the government in the form of taxes. Right-based approach to governance became popular in India in the first decade of present century with the passage of legislations conferring Right to Information, Right to Work in rural areas, and Right to Primary Education upon its citizens. Rights-based approaches aim at strengthening the capacity of duty bearers and empower the rights holders. A citizen-centric approach is one where, instead of the bureaucracy second-guessing citizens, governments consult citizens about their needs, and encourage their direct participation in policy making and service design and delivery. Policy makers can also make public services more citizen-centric by using data and information to better understand citizens’ needs, and to support civil servants identify potential accessibility gaps. Citizen satisfaction is linked to service quality and direct experience of services ,but also, more broadly, to whether citizens feel that governments are fair stewards of limited resources and follow impartial procedures.