Public Administration Mains 2023 : Solved Paper-1 (Question: 4)

Public Administration Mains 2023 : Solved Paper Question Paper-1 (Question-4)


4. (a) "Reddin model of leadership added third dimension to the existing two basic dimensions of leadership identified by Ohio Studies and Blake and Mouton." Elucidate. 20

The Reddin model of leadership builds on the Ohio Studies and the Blake and Mouton model, by adding a third dimension of effectiveness, which is the degree to which a leader's style is appropriate for the situation. The model suggests that there is no one best leadership style, but rather different styles can be more or less effective depending on the situational factors, such as the task, the followers, and the environment.

The model identifies four basic leadership styles, based on the combination of task orientation and relationship orientation, similar to the Ohio Studies and the Blake and Mouton model. However, the model also distinguishes between the appropriate and inappropriate versions of each style, based on the level of effectiveness.

The model also names the appropriate and inappropriate styles differently, to reflect their characteristics and outcomes, as follows:

•  Related: The appropriate version of the low task-high relationship style, also called the developer, which involves developing the potential and satisfaction of the followers, and creating a cooperative and harmonious work climate.
•  Separated: The inappropriate version of the low task-low relationship style, also called the deserter, which involves avoiding responsibility and involvement, and creating a passive and indifferent work climate.
•  Integrated: The appropriate version of the high task-high relationship style, also called the executive, which involves achieving high performance and quality, and creating a participative and supportive work climate.
•  Dedicated: The inappropriate version of the high task-low relationship style, also called the autocrat, which involves imposing authority and control, and creating a hostile and fearful work climate.
The model also suggests that each style can be further modified by adding or subtracting the elements of task orientation and relationship orientation, to suit the situational demands. For example, a related leader can increase the task orientation by setting clear goals and standards, or a dedicated leader can increase the relationship orientation by providing feedback and recognition.

(b) "Two-factor theory entails certain factors in workplace resulting in job satisfaction, while others, if absent, lead to dissatisfaction." Discuss. 15


(c) "Subordinate legislation has its drawbacks; this does not negate the fact that it is also quite beneficial." Examine 15


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